Ref No | BSUCA/LS/12/2/4 |
Collection | Linda Smith Collection |
Title | Research into school and college for ‘Driving Miss Smith: A Memoir of Linda Smith’ |
Name of creator | Multiple creators |
Date | 2007 |
Extent | 1 folder |
Description | Research into school and college for ‘Driving Miss Smith: A Memoir of Linda Smith’ by Warren Lakin, including letters and emails between Warren Lakin and Linda's school and college friends, and a transcript of group interviews with groups of Linda's school friends. |
Category | Research material |
Books |
Access conditions | This material contains personal contact information which needs to be redacted from viewing copies before it is available for consultation. Contact the University of Kent's Special Collections & Archives for more information (,Templeman Library, University of Kent, Canterbury, CT2 7NU). |
Copyright | Multiple copyright holders. |
Level | SubSubSeries |