Related Person | Johnson, Hewlett, 1874-1966, Dean of Canterbury |
Johnson, Nowell Johnson, Nowell Mary, née Edwards, painter |
Johnson, Mary Kezia, b.1940, elder daughter of Hewlett and Nowell Johnson |
Johnson, Helene Keren, b.1942, younger daughter of Hewlett and Nowell Johnson |
ContentNote | Urumchi: the capital of Xinjiang autonomous region in NW China. It was a major trading centre on the ancient caravan routes of central Asia, and developed during the 20th century into the main industrial centre of the region. In 1954 it was given the Mon |
"Urumchi, China, Hewlett, Nowell, Kezia and Keren Johnson, Farewell banquet given at midnight, after a day in the mountains visiting the Kazak horse breeders, when we rose at 5a.m."." |