Ref NoWEA/PP/E/159
CollectionBernard Weatherill Papers
TitleMr Speaker's Engagements, week commencing 4 May 1987
Name of creatorWeatherill, Bruce Bernard (1920-2007) Baron Weatherill, Speaker of the House of Commons
DateFebruary 1987-April 1987
Extent1 folder
DescriptionDiary, 4-10 May 1987. File contents, February-April 1987. Also includes information about the Boys Brigade in London and notes for a speech Weatherill made at its centenary celebrations, 9 May; annotated extract of Hansard and accompanying statements from Jim Callaghan on the supression of Peter Wright's autobiography and the parliamentary pressure on the Prime Minister to initiate an independant inquiry into the security forces, 5-6 May; personal correspondence with Keith Best on the resignation of his seat, 10 May; critical annotation of an article in the House magazine by John Carlisle on parliamentary privileges, 12 May.
NotesPrevious reference number: WEA/PP E159 : 0535284
SubjectResignation (employee)
Members of Parliament
Youth organizations
Anniversary celebrations
PhysicalDescription1 file (44 docs)
Related PersonWright, Peter, (1916-1995), British intelligence officer
Callaghan, James, Baron Callaghan of Cardiff, (1912-2005), Prime Minister (1976-1979)
Best, Keith, (1949-), Conservative MP for Ynys Mon (1979-1987)
Thatcher, Margaret, Baroness Thatcher (1925-2013), Prime Minister (1979-1990)
Carlisle, John, (1942-), Conservative MP for Luton North (1983-1997)
Related OrganisationHansard
Boys Brigade
Related PlaceLondon
Access conditionsThis material is available for consultation at the University of Kent's Special Collections & Archives reading room, Templeman Library, University of Kent, Canterbury, CT2 7NU (
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