Ref NoWEA/PP/H/79
CollectionBernard Weatherill Papers
TitleHansard's Parliamentary Debates for the House of Commons with annotations and additions, 3 May 1985
Date3 May 1985 - 7 May 1985
Extent5 docs
DescriptionParliamentary Debates (Hansard) House of Commons. 6th series, Vol 78 No 110. Friday, 3 May 1985. London, HMSO. Concerns two issues that later led to Speaker's rulings with a copy of the ruling as printed in Hansard for 7 May. The first issue were the substitution by the Treasury of a new text for a written reply, which the Speaker ruled should be withdrawn, a ruling which Weatherill notes as being 'very unpopular with HMG'. The other issue was regarding Tony Blair's mail that was interfered with once posted on the letter board. Includes a draft statement for the Speaker, offered by Kenneth Bradshaw.
NotesPrevious reference number: WEA/PP/H79/0561675
Related PersonBlair, Tony, (1953-), Prime Minister (1997-2007)
Bradshaw, Kenneth, Sir, (1922-2007), Clerk of the House of Commons, (1983-1987)
CategoryPrinted publications
Press cuttings
Access conditionsThis material is available for consultation at the University of Kent's Special Collections & Archives reading room, Templeman Library, University of Kent, Canterbury, CT2 7NU (
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