Ref NoWEA/PP/W/8
CollectionBernard Weatherill Papers
TitleConservative Whips Office, 1975
Extent1 file (2 folders)
DescriptionThis file includes the same range of material as other files, but also contains several significant documents in connection with the election for a leader of the Conservative Party in February 1975. These documents include working lists and the master list of Conservative MPs indicating which candidate they supported and showing Ted Heath to have a clear majority according to these calculations, a list of suggestions for the Shadow Cabinet under Margaret Thatcher and satirical poems about the leadership election. In addition there is a framed copy for the debate on the membership of the European Community, with annotations by Weatherill on the absent Conservative MPs, signatures of the Conservative Whips. There is also a copy of 'Acorns to Oaks - a Policy for Small Business' written by Weatherill and John Cope and published by the Conservative Political Centre in 1969
NotesPrevious reference number: WEA/PP W8 : 0561796
SubjectParliamentary debates
Economic Community
PhysicalDescription1 file (2 folders, 48 docs)
Related PersonHeath, Sir Edward Richard George (1916-2005), Knight statesman, Prime Minister
Fisher, Sir Nigel (1913-1996), Conservative MP
Related OrganisationEuropean Economic Community
Conservative Political Centre
Press cuttings
Printed publications
Access conditionsThis material is available for consultation at the University of Kent's Special Collections & Archives reading room, Templeman Library, University of Kent, Canterbury, CT2 7NU (
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