This shows the location of the record within the overall collection.

Skip Navigation Links.
Collapse BSUCA - British Stand-Up Comedy ArchiveBSUCA - British Stand-Up Comedy Archive
Expand AB - Arnold Brown CollectionAB - Arnold Brown Collection
Expand ARCL - A Rich Comic LifeARCL - A Rich Comic Life
Expand AS - Attila the Stockbroker ArchiveAS - Attila the Stockbroker Archive
Expand ASR - Andrew Sherlock Radio CollectionASR - Andrew Sherlock Radio Collection
Expand AT - Andy de la Tour CollectionAT - Andy de la Tour Collection
Expand AltCabAltCab
Expand BH - Buddy Hell CollectionBH - Buddy Hell Collection
CF - Camden Fringe
CKP - Poster for Micky Flanagan's 'The Out Out Tour'
Expand CNW - Chris Walker CollectionCNW - Chris Walker Collection
Expand CST - CAST (Cartoon Archetypical Slogan Theatre)CST - CAST (Cartoon Archetypical Slogan Theatre)
Expand DU - Daryl Upsall Collection of Comedy Benefit ConcertsDU - Daryl Upsall Collection of Comedy Benefit Concerts
EECab - Earth Exchange Cabaret
Expand Events - British Stand-Up Comedy Archive EventsEvents - British Stand-Up Comedy Archive Events
FCC - Folkestone Comedy Club
Expand FW - Funny Women CollectionFW - Funny Women Collection
HAY - Hattie Hayridge Collection
Expand HH - Harry Hill CollectionHH - Harry Hill Collection
HL - Helen Lederer
ICE - Iceman material
Expand ID - Ivor Dembina CollectionID - Ivor Dembina Collection
IG - Ian Gardhouse Collection
Expand JC - Joseph Champniss CollectionJC - Joseph Champniss Collection
Expand JH - Jeremy Hardy CollectionJH - Jeremy Hardy Collection
Expand JJ - JJ Waller CollectionJJ - JJ Waller Collection
Expand JL - Josie Long CollectionJL - Josie Long Collection
Expand JP - John Pidgeon CollectionJP - John Pidgeon Collection
Expand LG - Laura Grimshaw's Teenage ObsessionsLG - Laura Grimshaw's Teenage Obsessions
Expand LM - Lakin McCarthy Entertainment LtdLM - Lakin McCarthy Entertainment Ltd
Collapse LS - Linda Smith CollectionLS - Linda Smith Collection
LVG - Lost Voice Guy Collection
Expand MB - Monika Bobinska CollectionMB - Monika Bobinska Collection
Expand MSC - Martin Stiles Comedy CollectionMSC - Martin Stiles Comedy Collection
Expand MT - Mark Thomas CollectionMT - Mark Thomas Collection
Expand NP - Nigel Planer CollectionNP - Nigel Planer Collection
Expand NT - Nick Toczek CollectionNT - Nick Toczek Collection
Expand OD - Oliver Double CollectionOD - Oliver Double Collection
Expand PG - Peter Grahame CollectionPG - Peter Grahame Collection
Expand POD - 'A History of Comedy in Several Objects' podcastPOD - 'A History of Comedy in Several Objects' podcast
Expand RH - Richard Herring CollectionRH - Richard Herring Collection
RI - Robin Ince Collection
RR - Original poster for 'Near The Knuckle presents The Crack Club'
Expand SAYLE - Alexei Sayle CollectionSAYLE - Alexei Sayle Collection
Expand SL - Stewart Lee CollectionSL - Stewart Lee Collection
SV - Skint Video
Expand TA - Tony Allen CollectionTA - Tony Allen Collection
Expand TD - Tiernan Douieb CollectionTD - Tiernan Douieb Collection
WTF! - What the Frock! Collection

Click on any of the records in the hierarchy to view them.

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