This shows the location of the record within the overall collection.

Skip Navigation Links.
Collapse READ - Reading Rayner CollectionREAD - Reading Rayner Collection
Expand PER - Reading Rayner Periodicals CollectionPER - Reading Rayner Periodicals Collection
Collapse PRG - Reading Rayner Programme CollectionPRG - Reading Rayner Programme Collection
Expand BAL - Reading Rayner Ballet ProgrammesBAL - Reading Rayner Ballet Programmes
Expand CIN - Reading Rayner Cinema ProgrammesCIN - Reading Rayner Cinema Programmes
Expand CON - Reading Rayner Concert ProgrammesCON - Reading Rayner Concert Programmes
Expand OPE - Reading Rayner Opera ProgrammesOPE - Reading Rayner Opera Programmes
Collapse THE - Reading Rayner Theatre ProgrammesTHE - Reading Rayner Theatre Programmes
Expand ACTCLB - Theatre programmes: Act In Theatre Club, Soho, LondonACTCLB - Theatre programmes: Act In Theatre Club, Soho, London
Expand ADL - Theatre programmes: Adelphi Theatre, LondonADL - Theatre programmes: Adelphi Theatre, London
Expand ALBEMP - Theatre programmes: Albany Empire, Deptford, Lewisham, LondonALBEMP - Theatre programmes: Albany Empire, Deptford, Lewisham, London
Expand ALD - Theatre programmes: Aldwych Theatre, LondonALD - Theatre programmes: Aldwych Theatre, London
Expand ALH - Theatre programmes: Alhambra Theatre, LondonALH - Theatre programmes: Alhambra Theatre, London
Expand ALM - Theatre programmes: Almeida Theatre, LondonALM - Theatre programmes: Almeida Theatre, London
Expand AMBCLB - Theatre programmes: Ambiance Lunch-Hour Theatre Club, LondonAMBCLB - Theatre programmes: Ambiance Lunch-Hour Theatre Club, London
Expand APL - Theatre programmes: Apollo Theatre, LondonAPL - Theatre programmes: Apollo Theatre, London
Expand APLVIC - Theatre programmes: Apollo Victoria Theatre, LondonAPLVIC - Theatre programmes: Apollo Victoria Theatre, London
Expand ARN - Theatre programmes: Yvonne Arnaud Theatre, Guildford, SurreyARN - Theatre programmes: Yvonne Arnaud Theatre, Guildford, Surrey
Expand ARTA - Theatre programmes: Theatre Artaud, Kensington, LondonARTA - Theatre programmes: Theatre Artaud, Kensington, London
Expand ARTS - Theatre programmes: Arts Theatre, LondonARTS - Theatre programmes: Arts Theatre, London
Expand ASH - Theatre programmes: Ashcroft Theatre, Croydon, LondonASH - Theatre programmes: Ashcroft Theatre, Croydon, London
Expand AST - Theatre programmes: Astor Theatre, Deal, KentAST - Theatre programmes: Astor Theatre, Deal, Kent
Expand BALL - Theatre programmes: Holme Ballroom, LondonBALL - Theatre programmes: Holme Ballroom, London
Expand BALX - Theatre programmes: Alexandra Theatre, BirminghamBALX - Theatre programmes: Alexandra Theatre, Birmingham
Expand BANK - Theatre programmes: Bankside Globe Playhousr, Southwark, LondonBANK - Theatre programmes: Bankside Globe Playhousr, Southwark, London
Expand BAR - Theatre programmes: Barbican Centre, LondonBAR - Theatre programmes: Barbican Centre, London
Expand BATT - Theatre programmes: Battersea Arts Centre, Battersea, LondonBATT - Theatre programmes: Battersea Arts Centre, Battersea, London
Expand BED - Theatre programmes: Bedford Theatre, LondonBED - Theatre programmes: Bedford Theatre, London
Expand BHIP - Theatre programmes: Birmingham Hippodrome, BirminghamBHIP - Theatre programmes: Birmingham Hippodrome, Birmingham
Expand BLIT - Theatre programmes: Little Theatre, BristolBLIT - Theatre programmes: Little Theatre, Bristol
Expand BLO - Theatre programmes: Bloomsbury Theatre, LondonBLO - Theatre programmes: Bloomsbury Theatre, London
Expand BOU - Theatre programmes: Boulevard Theatre, LondonBOU - Theatre programmes: Boulevard Theatre, London
Expand BPLCEN - Theatre programmes: Central Pier, Blackpool, LancashireBPLCEN - Theatre programmes: Central Pier, Blackpool, Lancashire
Expand BPLGRA - Theatre programmes: Grand Theatre, Blackpool, LancashireBPLGRA - Theatre programmes: Grand Theatre, Blackpool, Lancashire
Expand BPLOPE - Theatre programmes: Blackpool Opera House, Blackpool, LancashireBPLOPE - Theatre programmes: Blackpool Opera House, Blackpool, Lancashire
Expand BRIR - Theatre programmes: Theatre Royal, BristolBRIR - Theatre programmes: Theatre Royal, Bristol
Expand BROAD - Theatre programmes: Broadway Theatre, New York City, New York, USABROAD - Theatre programmes: Broadway Theatre, New York City, New York, USA
Expand BTNR - Theatre programmes: Theatre Royal, BrightonBTNR - Theatre programmes: Theatre Royal, Brighton
Expand BURYROY - Theatre programmes: Theatre Royal, Bury St. Edmunds, SuffolkBURYROY - Theatre programmes: Theatre Royal, Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk
Expand BUSH - Theatre programmes: Bush Theatre, Hammersmith and Fulham, LondonBUSH - Theatre programmes: Bush Theatre, Hammersmith and Fulham, London
Expand CAM - Theatre programmes: Cambridge Theatre, LondonCAM - Theatre programmes: Cambridge Theatre, London
Expand CAMARTS - Theatre programmes: Arts Theatre, CambridgeCAMARTS - Theatre programmes: Arts Theatre, Cambridge
Expand CAS - Theatre programmes: Casino Theatre, LondonCAS - Theatre programmes: Casino Theatre, London
Expand CCEN - Theatre programmes: Central Hall, ChesterCCEN - Theatre programmes: Central Hall, Chester
Expand CCOL - Theatre programmes: Croydon College of Design and Technology, LondonCCOL - Theatre programmes: Croydon College of Design and Technology, London
Expand CEN - Theatre programmes: Century Theatre, LondonCEN - Theatre programmes: Century Theatre, London
Expand CHAN - Theatre programmes: Chanticleer Theatre, KensingtonCHAN - Theatre programmes: Chanticleer Theatre, Kensington
Expand CHAP - Theatre programmes: Theatre Charles de Rochefort, ParisCHAP - Theatre programmes: Theatre Charles de Rochefort, Paris
Expand CHEGAT - Theatre programmes: Gateway Theatre, ChesterCHEGAT - Theatre programmes: Gateway Theatre, Chester
Expand CHIE - Theatre programmes: Chiswick Empire, Hounslow, Greater LondonCHIE - Theatre programmes: Chiswick Empire, Hounslow, Greater London
Expand CHIFES - Theatre programmes: Chichester Festival Theatre, Chichester, West SussexCHIFES - Theatre programmes: Chichester Festival Theatre, Chichester, West Sussex
Expand CHRCHU - Theatre programmes: Christ Church Spitalfields, Hackney, LondonCHRCHU - Theatre programmes: Christ Church Spitalfields, Hackney, London
Expand CHSR - Theatre programmes: Royalty Theatre, ChesterCHSR - Theatre programmes: Royalty Theatre, Chester
Expand CHU - Theatre programmes: Church Theatre, Hampstead, LondonCHU - Theatre programmes: Church Theatre, Hampstead, London
Expand CHUHILL - Theatre programmes: Churchill Theatre, Bromley, LondonCHUHILL - Theatre programmes: Churchill Theatre, Bromley, London
Expand CIT - Theatre programmes: Citizen's Theatre, GlasgowCIT - Theatre programmes: Citizen's Theatre, Glasgow
Expand CITY - Theatre programmes: City Literary Institute Theatre, LondonCITY - Theatre programmes: City Literary Institute Theatre, London
Expand CITZ - Theatre programmes: Citizen's Theatre, GlasgowCITZ - Theatre programmes: Citizen's Theatre, Glasgow
Expand CMW - Theatre programmes: Commonwealth Institute Theatre, Holland Park, LondonCMW - Theatre programmes: Commonwealth Institute Theatre, Holland Park, London
Expand COC - Theatre programmes: Cockpit Theatre Club, Saint Marylebone, LondonCOC - Theatre programmes: Cockpit Theatre Club, Saint Marylebone, London
Expand COL - Theatre programmes: London ColiseumCOL - Theatre programmes: London Coliseum
Expand COLE - Theatre programmes: Collegiate Theatre, Bloomsbury, LondonCOLE - Theatre programmes: Collegiate Theatre, Bloomsbury, London
Collapse COM - Theatre programmes: Comedy Theatre, LondonCOM - Theatre programmes: Comedy Theatre, London
Expand COV - Theatre programmes: Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, LondonCOV - Theatre programmes: Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, London
Expand COVBEL - Theatre programmes: Belgrade Theatre, Coventry, West MidlandsCOVBEL - Theatre programmes: Belgrade Theatre, Coventry, West Midlands
Expand COVCOVE - Theatre programmes: Coventry Theatre, West MidlandsCOVCOVE - Theatre programmes: Coventry Theatre, West Midlands
Expand CRI - Theatre programmes: Criterion Theatre, LondonCRI - Theatre programmes: Criterion Theatre, London
Expand CROC - Theatre programmes: Civic Hall, Croydon, LondonCROC - Theatre programmes: Civic Hall, Croydon, London
Expand CROG - Theatre programmes: Civic Hall, Croydon, London (Gate Players)CROG - Theatre programmes: Civic Hall, Croydon, London (Gate Players)
Expand CROH - Theatre programmes: Croydon Histrionic Society, LondonCROH - Theatre programmes: Croydon Histrionic Society, London
Expand CROYWARE - Theatre programmes: Croydon Warehouse Theatre, LondonCROYWARE - Theatre programmes: Croydon Warehouse Theatre, London
Expand CURT - Theatre programmes: Curtain Theatre, Whitechapel, LondonCURT - Theatre programmes: Curtain Theatre, Whitechapel, London
Expand DAN - Theatre programmes: Danny La Rue's, LondonDAN - Theatre programmes: Danny La Rue's, London
Expand DARKCLB - Theatre programmes: The Light and Dark Club, LondonDARKCLB - Theatre programmes: The Light and Dark Club, London
Expand DEV - Theatre programmes: Devonshire Park Theatre, Eastbourne, East SussexDEV - Theatre programmes: Devonshire Park Theatre, Eastbourne, East Sussex
Expand DLY - Theatre programmes: Daly's Theatre, LondonDLY - Theatre programmes: Daly's Theatre, London
Expand DON - Theatre programmes: Donmar Warehouse, Covent Garden, LondonDON - Theatre programmes: Donmar Warehouse, Covent Garden, London
Expand DRI - Theatre programmes: Drill Hall, Bloomsbury, Camden, LondonDRI - Theatre programmes: Drill Hall, Bloomsbury, Camden, London
Expand DROT - Theatre programmes: Drottningholm Court Theatre, SwedenDROT - Theatre programmes: Drottningholm Court Theatre, Sweden
Expand DRU - Theatre programmes: Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, LondonDRU - Theatre programmes: Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, London
Expand DUC - Theatre programmes: Duchess Theatre, LondonDUC - Theatre programmes: Duchess Theatre, London
Expand DUK - Theatre programmes: Duke of York's Theatre, LondonDUK - Theatre programmes: Duke of York's Theatre, London
Expand EDIE - Theatre programmes: Empire Theatre, EdinburghEDIE - Theatre programmes: Empire Theatre, Edinburgh
Expand EDIL - Theatre programmes: Royal Lyceum Theatre, EdinburghEDIL - Theatre programmes: Royal Lyceum Theatre, Edinburgh
Expand EDKI - Theatre programmes: King's Theatre, EdinburghEDKI - Theatre programmes: King's Theatre, Edinburgh
Expand ELT - Theatre programmes: Eltham Green School, Greenwich, LondonELT - Theatre programmes: Eltham Green School, Greenwich, London
Expand ELY - Theatre programmes: Ely House, Neasden, Brent, LondonELY - Theatre programmes: Ely House, Neasden, Brent, London
Expand EMB - Theatre programmes: Embassy Theatre, LondonEMB - Theatre programmes: Embassy Theatre, London
Expand EMP - Theatre programmes: Empire Theatre, LondonEMP - Theatre programmes: Empire Theatre, London
Expand EMPL - Theatre programmes: Empire Theatre, LeedsEMPL - Theatre programmes: Empire Theatre, Leeds
Expand ETON - Theatre programmes: Eton College, SloughETON - Theatre programmes: Eton College, Slough
Expand FOOBAR - Theatre programmes: Footsbarn Theatre, Camelford, CornwallFOOBAR - Theatre programmes: Footsbarn Theatre, Camelford, Cornwall
Expand FOR - Theatre programmes: Fortune Theatre, LondonFOR - Theatre programmes: Fortune Theatre, London
Expand FRI - Theatre programmes: Friend's Hall, Tower Hamlets, LondonFRI - Theatre programmes: Friend's Hall, Tower Hamlets, London
Expand FRM - Theatre programmes: Forum Theatre, Wythenshawe, Greater ManchesterFRM - Theatre programmes: Forum Theatre, Wythenshawe, Greater Manchester
Expand GAI - Theatre programmes: Gaiety Theatre, LondonGAI - Theatre programmes: Gaiety Theatre, London
Expand GAR - Theatre programmes: Garrick Theatre, LondonGAR - Theatre programmes: Garrick Theatre, London
Expand GAT - Theatre programmes: Gate Theatre Studio, LondonGAT - Theatre programmes: Gate Theatre Studio, London
Expand GATE - Theatre programmes: Gateway Theatre, Notting Hill, LondonGATE - Theatre programmes: Gateway Theatre, Notting Hill, London
Expand GGH - Theatre programmes: Golders Green Hippodrome, LondonGGH - Theatre programmes: Golders Green Hippodrome, London
Expand GKIN - Theatre programmes: King's Theatre, Gainsborough, LincolnshireGKIN - Theatre programmes: King's Theatre, Gainsborough, Lincolnshire
Expand GLAE - Theatre programmes: Glasgow EmpireGLAE - Theatre programmes: Glasgow Empire
Expand GLAK - Theatre programmes: King's Theatre, GlasgowGLAK - Theatre programmes: King's Theatre, Glasgow
Expand GLAM - Theatre programmes: Mitchell Theatre, GlasgowGLAM - Theatre programmes: Mitchell Theatre, Glasgow
Expand GLAP - Theatre programmes: Pavilion Theatre, GlasgowGLAP - Theatre programmes: Pavilion Theatre, Glasgow
Expand GLE - Theatre programmes: Globe (Gielgud) Theatre, LondonGLE - Theatre programmes: Globe (Gielgud) Theatre, London
Expand GLODEA - Theatre programmes: Globe Theatre, Deal, KentGLODEA - Theatre programmes: Globe Theatre, Deal, Kent
Expand GORCRA - Theatre programmes: Gordon Craig Theatre, Stevenage, HertfordshireGORCRA - Theatre programmes: Gordon Craig Theatre, Stevenage, Hertfordshire
Expand GRA - Theatre programmes: Theatre Gramount, Paris, FranceGRA - Theatre programmes: Theatre Gramount, Paris, France
Expand GRE - Theatre programmes: Greenwich Theatre, LondonGRE - Theatre programmes: Greenwich Theatre, London
Expand GREWOO - Theatre programmes: Greenwood Theatre, LondonGREWOO - Theatre programmes: Greenwood Theatre, London
Expand GRO - Theatre programmes: Grove Theatre, Hammersmith, LondonGRO - Theatre programmes: Grove Theatre, Hammersmith, London
Expand GRPSIX - Theatre programmes: Group Sixty-Four Theatre Workshop, Putney, LondonGRPSIX - Theatre programmes: Group Sixty-Four Theatre Workshop, Putney, London
Expand GUI - Theatre programmes: Guildhall School of Music and Drama, LondonGUI - Theatre programmes: Guildhall School of Music and Drama, London
Expand HALMOO - Theatre programmes: Half Moon Theatre, Stepney, LondonHALMOO - Theatre programmes: Half Moon Theatre, Stepney, London
Expand HAMP - Theatre programmes: Hampstead Theatre Club, LondonHAMP - Theatre programmes: Hampstead Theatre Club, London
Expand HAR - Theatre programmes: Harrow School, LondonHAR - Theatre programmes: Harrow School, London
Expand HARCLB - Theatre programmes: Harvard University, Cambridge, MAHARCLB - Theatre programmes: Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
Expand HAY - Theatre programmes: Theatre Royal Haymarket, LondonHAY - Theatre programmes: Theatre Royal Haymarket, London
Expand HIS - Theatre programmes: His Majesty's Theatre, LondonHIS - Theatre programmes: His Majesty's Theatre, London
Expand HONG - Theatre programmes: Hong Kong House, LondonHONG - Theatre programmes: Hong Kong House, London
Expand HULN - Theatre programmes: New Theatre, HullHULN - Theatre programmes: New Theatre, Hull
Expand INSFRA - Theatre programmes: Theatre de l'Institute Francais, Brondesbury Park, LondonINSFRA - Theatre programmes: Theatre de l'Institute Francais, Brondesbury Park, London
Expand ISLHALL - Theatre programmes: Islington Town Hall, LondonISLHALL - Theatre programmes: Islington Town Hall, London
Expand JEANCOCH - Theatre programmes: Jeanetta Cochrane Theatre, LondonJEANCOCH - Theatre programmes: Jeanetta Cochrane Theatre, London
Expand KCOL - Theatre programmes: King's College Theatre, LondonKCOL - Theatre programmes: King's College Theatre, London
Expand KIN - Theatre programmes: King's Theatre, Hammersmith, LondonKIN - Theatre programmes: King's Theatre, Hammersmith, London
Expand KINGCLB - Theatre programmes: King's Head Theatre Club, Islington, LondonKINGCLB - Theatre programmes: King's Head Theatre Club, Islington, London
Expand KINRD - Theatre programmes: King's Road Theatre, Chelsea, LondonKINRD - Theatre programmes: King's Road Theatre, Chelsea, London
Expand LAM - Theatre programmes: Lamda Theatre Club, South Kensington, LondonLAM - Theatre programmes: Lamda Theatre Club, South Kensington, London
Expand LANDUK - Theatre programmes: Duke's Playhouse, LancasterLANDUK - Theatre programmes: Duke's Playhouse, Lancaster
Expand LDNHIP - Theatre programmes: London HippodromeLDNHIP - Theatre programmes: London Hippodrome
Expand LEEEMP - Theatre programmes: Empire Theatre, LeedsLEEEMP - Theatre programmes: Empire Theatre, Leeds
Expand LEEGRA - Theatre programmes: Grand Theatre and Opera House, LeedsLEEGRA - Theatre programmes: Grand Theatre and Opera House, Leeds
Expand LEIGHHSE - Theatre programmes: Leighton House, Kensington, LondonLEIGHHSE - Theatre programmes: Leighton House, Kensington, London
Expand LEIHAY - Theatre programmes: Haymarket Theatre, LeicesterLEIHAY - Theatre programmes: Haymarket Theatre, Leicester
Expand LES - Theatre programmes: Les Comediens, Paris, FranceLES - Theatre programmes: Les Comediens, Paris, France
Expand LEV - Theatre programmes: City Palace of Varieties, LeedsLEV - Theatre programmes: City Palace of Varieties, Leeds
Expand LIB - Theatre programmes: Library Theatre, ManchesterLIB - Theatre programmes: Library Theatre, Manchester
Expand LINCROY - Theatre programmes: Theatre Royal, LincolnLINCROY - Theatre programmes: Theatre Royal, Lincoln
Expand LIND - Theatre programmes: New Lindsey Theatre Club, Notting Hill, LondonLIND - Theatre programmes: New Lindsey Theatre Club, Notting Hill, London
Expand LIT - Theatre programmes: Little Theatre, LondonLIT - Theatre programmes: Little Theatre, London
Expand LITCLB - Theatre programmes: Little Theatre Club, LondonLITCLB - Theatre programmes: Little Theatre Club, London
Expand LIVE - Theatre programmes: Academy of Live and Recorded Music, LondonLIVE - Theatre programmes: Academy of Live and Recorded Music, London
Expand LIVP - Theatre programmes: Playhouse, LiverpoolLIVP - Theatre programmes: Playhouse, Liverpool
Expand LIVR - Theatre programmes: Royal Court Theatre, Liverpoo/LIVR - Theatre programmes: Royal Court Theatre, Liverpoo/
Expand LOU - Theatre programmes: Theatre Louis Jouvet, FranceLOU - Theatre programmes: Theatre Louis Jouvet, France
Expand LSE - Theatre programmes: London School of EconomicsLSE - Theatre programmes: London School of Economics
Expand LYC - Theatre programmes: Lyceum Theatre, LondonLYC - Theatre programmes: Lyceum Theatre, London
Expand LYR - Theatre programmes: Lyric Theatre (Shaftesbury Avenue), LondonLYR - Theatre programmes: Lyric Theatre (Shaftesbury Avenue), London
Expand LYRH - Theatre programmes: Lyric Theatre (Hammersmith), LondonLYRH - Theatre programmes: Lyric Theatre (Hammersmith), London
Expand MANEX - Theatre programmes: Royal Exchange Theatre, ManchesterMANEX - Theatre programmes: Royal Exchange Theatre, Manchester
Expand MANLIB - Theatre programmes: Library Theatre, ManchesterMANLIB - Theatre programmes: Library Theatre, Manchester
Expand MANO - Theatre programmes: Opera House, ManchesterMANO - Theatre programmes: Opera House, Manchester
Expand MANUNI - Theatre programmes: University Theatre, ManchesterMANUNI - Theatre programmes: University Theatre, Manchester
Expand MARL - Theatre programmes: Marlowe Theatre, CanterburyMARL - Theatre programmes: Marlowe Theatre, Canterbury
Expand MARY - Theatre programmes: St Marylebone Grammar School, LondonMARY - Theatre programmes: St Marylebone Grammar School, London
Expand MAX - Theatre programmes: Maximus Discotheque, LondonMAX - Theatre programmes: Maximus Discotheque, London
Expand MAY - Theatre programmes: Mayol, Paris, FranceMAY - Theatre programmes: Mayol, Paris, France
Expand MAYF - Theatre programmes: May Fair Theatre, LondonMAYF - Theatre programmes: May Fair Theatre, London
Expand MER - Theatre programmes: Mercury Theatre, Notting Hill, LondonMER - Theatre programmes: Mercury Theatre, Notting Hill, London
Expand MERM - Theatre programmes: Mermaid Theatre, LondonMERM - Theatre programmes: Mermaid Theatre, London
Expand MET - Theatre programmes: Metropolitan Theatre of Varieties, LondonMET - Theatre programmes: Metropolitan Theatre of Varieties, London
Expand METLAS - Theatre programmes: Metropole Laser Theatre, LondonMETLAS - Theatre programmes: Metropole Laser Theatre, London
Expand MIC - Theatre programmes: Theatre Michel, Paris, FranceMIC - Theatre programmes: Theatre Michel, Paris, France
Expand MILT - Theatre programmes: Milton Keynes Theatre, Milton KeynesMILT - Theatre programmes: Milton Keynes Theatre, Milton Keynes
Expand MOTABB - Theatre programmes: Montisfont Abbey, Romsey, HampshireMOTABB - Theatre programmes: Montisfont Abbey, Romsey, Hampshire
Expand NAT - Theatre programmes: National Theatre, LondonNAT - Theatre programmes: National Theatre, London
Expand NATYOU - Theatre programmes: National Youth Theatre,  LondonNATYOU - Theatre programmes: National Youth Theatre, London
Expand NCB - Theatre programmes: National Coal Board Dramatic SocietyNCB - Theatre programmes: National Coal Board Dramatic Society
Expand NCTR - Theatre programmes: Theatre Royal, NewcastleNCTR - Theatre programmes: Theatre Royal, Newcastle
Expand NEW - Theatre programmes: New (Noel Coward / Albery) Theatre, LondonNEW - Theatre programmes: New (Noel Coward / Albery) Theatre, London
Expand NEWCE - Theatre programmes: New Cross Empire, LondonNEWCE - Theatre programmes: New Cross Empire, London
Expand NEWEND - Theatre programmes: New End Theatre, Hampstead, LondonNEWEND - Theatre programmes: New End Theatre, Hampstead, London
Expand NEWLON - Theatre programmes: New London Theatre, LondonNEWLON - Theatre programmes: New London Theatre, London
Expand NEWT - Theatre programmes: New Torch Theatre Club, LondonNEWT - Theatre programmes: New Torch Theatre Club, London
Expand NORHEA - Theatre programmes: Northumberland Heath School, Erith, LondonNORHEA - Theatre programmes: Northumberland Heath School, Erith, London
Expand NOTPLA - Theatre programmes: Nottingham Playhouse, NottinghamNOTPLA - Theatre programmes: Nottingham Playhouse, Nottingham
Expand NRTR - Theatre programmes: Royal Theatre, NorthamptonNRTR - Theatre programmes: Royal Theatre, Northampton
Expand NZSSHA - Theatre programmes: Shakespeare Memorial Theatre Company, New ZealandNZSSHA - Theatre programmes: Shakespeare Memorial Theatre Company, New Zealand
Expand NZVIC - Theatre programmes: Old Vic Theatre Company, Australia and New ZealandNZVIC - Theatre programmes: Old Vic Theatre Company, Australia and New Zealand
Expand ODY - Theatre programmes: Odyssey Theatre Club, LondonODY - Theatre programmes: Odyssey Theatre Club, London
Expand OLDRED - Theatre programmes: Old Red Lion Theatre, LondonOLDRED - Theatre programmes: Old Red Lion Theatre, London
Expand OPENSPC - Theatre programmes: Open Space Theatre, LondonOPENSPC - Theatre programmes: Open Space Theatre, London
Expand OPN - Theatre programmes: Open Air Theatre, LondonOPN - Theatre programmes: Open Air Theatre, London
Expand ORA - Theatre programmes: Orange Tree Theatre, Richmond upon Thames, Greater LondonORA - Theatre programmes: Orange Tree Theatre, Richmond upon Thames, Greater London
Expand OVAL - Theatre programmes: Oval House Theatre, LondonOVAL - Theatre programmes: Oval House Theatre, London
Expand OVEGRD - Theatre programmes: Overground Theatre, Kingston upon Thames, SurreyOVEGRD - Theatre programmes: Overground Theatre, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey
Expand PAL - Theatre programmes: London PalladiumPAL - Theatre programmes: London Palladium
Expand PALC - Theatre programmes: Palace Theatre, LondonPALC - Theatre programmes: Palace Theatre, London
Expand PEM - Theatre programmes: Pembroke Theatre, Croydon, LondonPEM - Theatre programmes: Pembroke Theatre, Croydon, London
Expand PHO - Theatre programmes: Phoenix Theatre, LondonPHO - Theatre programmes: Phoenix Theatre, London
Expand PIC - Theatre programmes: Picadilly Theatre, LondonPIC - Theatre programmes: Picadilly Theatre, London
Expand PINDAR - Theatre programmes: Aba Daba Music Hall (Pindar of Wakefield), LondonPINDAR - Theatre programmes: Aba Daba Music Hall (Pindar of Wakefield), London
Expand PLA - Theatre programmes: Player's Theatre, LondonPLA - Theatre programmes: Player's Theatre, London
Expand PLY - Theatre programmes: Playhouse Theatre, LondonPLY - Theatre programmes: Playhouse Theatre, London
Expand POE-CEN - Theatre programmes: Poetry Centre, New York, USAPOE-CEN - Theatre programmes: Poetry Centre, New York, USA
Expand POL - Theatre programmes: Polish Theatre, LondonPOL - Theatre programmes: Polish Theatre, London
Expand POLLAC - Theatre programmes: Open Air Theatre, Polesden Lacey, SurreyPOLLAC - Theatre programmes: Open Air Theatre, Polesden Lacey, Surrey
Expand PRI - Theatre programmes: Prince's Theatre, LondonPRI - Theatre programmes: Prince's Theatre, London
Expand PRW - Theatre programmes: Prince of Wales Theatre, LondonPRW - Theatre programmes: Prince of Wales Theatre, London
Expand PUR - Theatre programmes: Purcell Room, South Bank Centre, LondonPUR - Theatre programmes: Purcell Room, South Bank Centre, London
Expand Q - Theatre programmes: Q Theatre, LondonQ - Theatre programmes: Q Theatre, London
Expand QUE - Theatre programmes: Queen's Theatre, LondonQUE - Theatre programmes: Queen's Theatre, London
Expand QUES - Theatre programmes: Questors Theatre, Ealing, LondonQUES - Theatre programmes: Questors Theatre, Ealing, London
Expand RAD - Theatre programmes: Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, LondonRAD - Theatre programmes: Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, London
Expand RCS - Theatre programmes: Royal Commonwealth Society, LondonRCS - Theatre programmes: Royal Commonwealth Society, London
Expand REG - Theatre programmes: Regent Theatre, LondonREG - Theatre programmes: Regent Theatre, London
Expand REME - Theatre programmes: R.E.M.E. Repertory Company of Music and Drama, Harlow, EssexREME - Theatre programmes: R.E.M.E. Repertory Company of Music and Drama, Harlow, Essex
Expand REN - Theatre programmes: Theatre de la Renaissance, Paris, FranceREN - Theatre programmes: Theatre de la Renaissance, Paris, France
Expand RICG - Theatre programmes: Richmond Theatre, Richmond-upon-Thames, Greater LondonRICG - Theatre programmes: Richmond Theatre, Richmond-upon-Thames, Greater London
Expand RIN - Theatre programmes: The Ring, LondonRIN - Theatre programmes: The Ring, London
Expand RIV - Theatre programmes: Riverside Studios, Hammersmith, LondonRIV - Theatre programmes: Riverside Studios, Hammersmith, London
Expand ROUHOU - Theatre programmes: Round House, Camden, LondonROUHOU - Theatre programmes: Round House, Camden, London
Expand ROY - Theatre programmes: Royalty Theatre, LondonROY - Theatre programmes: Royalty Theatre, London
Expand ROYALB - Theatre programmes: Royal Albert Hall, Kensington, LondonROYALB - Theatre programmes: Royal Albert Hall, Kensington, London
Expand ROYC - Theatre programmes: Royal Court Theatre, LondonROYC - Theatre programmes: Royal Court Theatre, London
Expand ROYF - Theatre programmes: Royal Festival Hall, LondonROYF - Theatre programmes: Royal Festival Hall, London
Expand RUD - Theatre programmes: Rudolf Steiner Theatre, LondonRUD - Theatre programmes: Rudolf Steiner Theatre, London
Expand SAD - Theatre programmes: Sadler's Wells Theatre, LondonSAD - Theatre programmes: Sadler's Wells Theatre, London
Expand SAL - Theatre programmes: Salisbury Playhouse, SalisburySAL - Theatre programmes: Salisbury Playhouse, Salisbury
Expand SAV - Theatre programmes: Savoy Theatre, LondonSAV - Theatre programmes: Savoy Theatre, London
Expand SCA - Theatre programmes: Scala Theatre, LondonSCA - Theatre programmes: Scala Theatre, London
Expand SCAROU - Theatre programmes: Theatre in the Round, Scarborough, North YorkshireSCAROU - Theatre programmes: Theatre in the Round, Scarborough, North Yorkshire
Expand SHAW - Theatre programmes: Shaw Theatre, LondonSHAW - Theatre programmes: Shaw Theatre, London
Expand SHF - Theatre programmes: Shaftesbury Theatre, LondonSHF - Theatre programmes: Shaftesbury Theatre, London
Expand SHU - Theatre programmes: Shubert Theatre, New York City, USASHU - Theatre programmes: Shubert Theatre, New York City, USA
Expand SOHO - Theatre programmes: Soho Theatre, LondonSOHO - Theatre programmes: Soho Theatre, London
Expand SSHA - Theatre programmes: Shakespeare Memorial Theatre, Stratford-upon-Avon, WarwickshireSSHA - Theatre programmes: Shakespeare Memorial Theatre, Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire
Expand STC - Theatre programmes: Church of St. Thomas, LondonSTC - Theatre programmes: Church of St. Thomas, London
Expand STE - Theatre programmes: Sir Richard Steele Theatre, LondonSTE - Theatre programmes: Sir Richard Steele Theatre, London
Expand STG - Theatre programmes: St George's Theatre, LondonSTG - Theatre programmes: St George's Theatre, London
Expand STJ - Theatre programmes: St James' Theatre, LondonSTJ - Theatre programmes: St James' Theatre, London
Expand STJC - Theatre programmes: St James' Church, Walthamstow, Greater LondonSTJC - Theatre programmes: St James' Church, Walthamstow, Greater London
Expand STJHALL - Theatre programmes: St James' Hall, LondonSTJHALL - Theatre programmes: St James' Hall, London
Expand STKVCT - Theatre programmes: Victoria Palace Theatre, Stoke-on-Trent, StaffordshireSTKVCT - Theatre programmes: Victoria Palace Theatre, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire
Expand STL - Theatre programmes: Stoll Theatre, LondonSTL - Theatre programmes: Stoll Theatre, London
Expand STM - Theatre programmes: St Martin's Theatre, LondonSTM - Theatre programmes: St Martin's Theatre, London
Expand STPC - Theatre programmes: St Peter upon Cornhill Church, LondonSTPC - Theatre programmes: St Peter upon Cornhill Church, London
Expand STR - Theatre programmes: Strand Theatre, LondonSTR - Theatre programmes: Strand Theatre, London
Expand STREET - Theatre programmes: 46th Street Theatre, New Yourk City, USASTREET - Theatre programmes: 46th Street Theatre, New Yourk City, USA
Expand STRO - Theatre programmes: Theatre Royal, Stratford, Newham, LondonSTRO - Theatre programmes: Theatre Royal, Stratford, Newham, London
Expand SUN EMP - Theatre programmes: Empire Theatre, Sunderland, Tyne and WearSUN EMP - Theatre programmes: Empire Theatre, Sunderland, Tyne and Wear
Expand SVL - Theatre programmes: Saville Theatre, LondonSVL - Theatre programmes: Saville Theatre, London
Expand TEMP - Theatre programmes: Tempo Theatre Club, Notting Hill, LondonTEMP - Theatre programmes: Tempo Theatre Club, Notting Hill, London
Expand TERR - Theatre programmes: Terrace Theatre, LondonTERR - Theatre programmes: Terrace Theatre, London
Expand THEC - Theatre programmes: Theatre Centre, LondonTHEC - Theatre programmes: Theatre Centre, London
Expand THO - Theatre programmes: Thorndike Theatre, Leatherhead, SurreyTHO - Theatre programmes: Thorndike Theatre, Leatherhead, Surrey
Expand TOYN - Theatre programmes: Toynbee Theatre, Shoreditch, LondonTOYN - Theatre programmes: Toynbee Theatre, Shoreditch, London
Expand TRI - Theatre programmes: Tricycle Theatre, Brondesbury, Brent, LondonTRI - Theatre programmes: Tricycle Theatre, Brondesbury, Brent, London
Expand TYNEUNI - Theatre programmes: University Theatre, ManchesterTYNEUNI - Theatre programmes: University Theatre, Manchester
Expand UCL - Theatre programmes: University College LondonUCL - Theatre programmes: University College London
Expand UNKALD - Theatre programmes: AldershotUNKALD - Theatre programmes: Aldershot
Expand UNKGRE - Theatre programmes: Greenwich (unknown location)UNKGRE - Theatre programmes: Greenwich (unknown location)
Expand UNT - Theatre programmes: Unity Theatre, LondonUNT - Theatre programmes: Unity Theatre, London
Expand UPS - Theatre programmes: Upstream Theatre Club, Southwark, LondonUPS - Theatre programmes: Upstream Theatre Club, Southwark, London
Expand URI - Theatre programmes: Uris Theatre, New York City, USAURI - Theatre programmes: Uris Theatre, New York City, USA
Expand USE - Theatre programmes: United States Embassy, Mayfair, LondonUSE - Theatre programmes: United States Embassy, Mayfair, London
Expand VAN - Theatre programmes: Vanbrugh Theatre, LondonVAN - Theatre programmes: Vanbrugh Theatre, London
Expand VAU - Theatre programmes: Vaudeville Theatre, LondonVAU - Theatre programmes: Vaudeville Theatre, London
Expand VCT - Theatre programmes: Victoria Palace Theatre, LondonVCT - Theatre programmes: Victoria Palace Theatre, London
Expand VIC - Theatre programmes: Old Vic Theatre, LondonVIC - Theatre programmes: Old Vic Theatre, London
Expand VIV - Theatre programmes: Vivian Beaumont Theatre, New York City, USAVIV - Theatre programmes: Vivian Beaumont Theatre, New York City, USA
Expand WABB - Theatre programmes: Westminster Abbey, LondonWABB - Theatre programmes: Westminster Abbey, London
Expand WAKBRET - Theatre programmes: Bretton Hall, Wakefield, West YorkshireWAKBRET - Theatre programmes: Bretton Hall, Wakefield, West Yorkshire
Expand WAT - Theatre programmes: Watermill Theatre, Newbury, BerkshireWAT - Theatre programmes: Watermill Theatre, Newbury, Berkshire
Expand WATPALC - Theatre programmes: Palace Theatre, Watford, HertfordshireWATPALC - Theatre programmes: Palace Theatre, Watford, Hertfordshire
Expand WEI - Theatre programmes: King's Weigh House Church, LondonWEI - Theatre programmes: King's Weigh House Church, London
Expand WES - Theatre programmes: Westminster Theatre, LondonWES - Theatre programmes: Westminster Theatre, London
Expand WESTYORK - Theatre programmes: West Yorkshire Playhouse, LeedsWESTYORK - Theatre programmes: West Yorkshire Playhouse, Leeds
Expand WHI - Theatre programmes: Whitehall Theatre, LondonWHI - Theatre programmes: Whitehall Theatre, London
Expand WHIT - Theatre programmes: Geoffrey Whitworth Theatre, Crayford, Bexley, LondonWHIT - Theatre programmes: Geoffrey Whitworth Theatre, Crayford, Bexley, London
Expand WIM - Theatre programmes: Wimbledon Theatre, Merton, LondonWIM - Theatre programmes: Wimbledon Theatre, Merton, London
Expand WIN - Theatre programmes: Winter Garden Theatre, LondonWIN - Theatre programmes: Winter Garden Theatre, London
Expand WINROY - Theatre programmes: Theatre Royal, WindsorWINROY - Theatre programmes: Theatre Royal, Windsor
Expand WND - Theatre programmes: Windmill Theatre, LondonWND - Theatre programmes: Windmill Theatre, London
Expand WYN - Theatre programmes: Wyndham's Theatre, LondonWYN - Theatre programmes: Wyndham's Theatre, London
Expand YORK - Theatre programmes: Museum Gardens, YorkYORK - Theatre programmes: Museum Gardens, York
Expand YOUVIC - Theatre programmes: Young Vic, LondonYOUVIC - Theatre programmes: Young Vic, London

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