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Collapse WEA - Bernard Weatherill PapersWEA - Bernard Weatherill Papers
Expand B - Business PapersB - Business Papers
Expand C - Personal PapersC - Personal Papers
Collapse PC - Political papers: Constituency papersPC - Political papers: Constituency papers
Collapse C - Files of correspondence concerning issues raised by constituents of Croydon North East, 1991C - Files of correspondence concerning issues raised by constituents of Croydon North East, 1991
1 - Correspondence file for Mrs Angela Adams, 1990-1991
2 - Correspondence file for Miss Elizabeth Adams, 1991
3 - Correspondence file for Mrs Eva Adams, 1990-1991
4 - Correspondence file for Mr R.C. Agacy, 1991
5 - Correspondence file for Mrs Nadia Agha, 1991
6 - Correspondence file for Mr J. Agnew, 1991
7 - Correspondence file for Mr M. Ahmed, 1990-1991
8 - Correspondence file for Miss C. Allen, 1991
9 - Correspondence file for Ms A. Allison, 1991
10 - Correspondence file for Mr G. Allnutt, 1991
11 - Correspondence file for Mr N.P. Alyward, 1991
12 - Correspondence file for Mr R.M.J. Harvey-Amer, 1991
13 - Correspondence file for Mr C. Amone, 1991
14 - Correspondence file for Mr B. Ampaw, 1991
15 - Correspondence file for Mr C.S. Anderson, 1990-1991
16 - Correspondence file for Mrs S.L. Andrews, 1991
17 - Correspondence file for Mr L.J. Anteney, 1991
18 - Correspondence file for Mr M. Anteney,1991
19 - Correspondence file for Brother Anthony, 1991
20 - Correspondence file for Mrs V. Armstrong, 1991
21 - Correspondence file for Mrs M.F. Ashburn, 1991
22 - Correspondence file for Miss C. Ashbee, 1991
23 - Correspondence file for Mr J.G. Ashe, 1991
24 - Correspondence file for Mrs N. Aslam, 1990-1991
25 - Correspondence file for Miss H. Astington, 1991
26 - Correspondence file for Mrs R. Atkinson, 1990-1991
27 - Correspondence file for Mr S. Aveline, 1991
28 - Correspondence file for Mr and Mrs Aylward, 1991
29 - Correspondence file for Mrs P. Azad, 1991
30 - Correspondence file for Mrs A. Bailey, 1991
31 - Correspondence file for Ms A. Baker, 1991
32 - Correspondence file for Mrs A. Baldeosingh, 1991
33 - Correspondence file for Mr and Mrs D. Banks, 1991
34 - Correspondence file for Mrs J. Barber, 1991
35 - Correspondence file for Mr and Mrs T. Bartell, 1991
36 - Correspondence file for Mr J. Barry, 1991
37 - Correspondence file for Mrs Barton, 1991
38 - Correspondence file for Mr M. Bastin, 1991
39 - Correspondence file for Ms F. Bates, 1991
40 - Correspondence file for Mr T. Battle, 1991
41 - Correspondence file for Mr H. Baxter, 1991
42 - Correspondence file for Mrs N. Baxter, 1991
43 - Correspondence file for Miss P. Bayley, 1991
44 - Correspondence file for Mr P.H. Bean, 1991
45 - Correspondence file for Mr K. Beasley, 1991
46 - Correspondence file for Mrs C.M. Bee, 1991
47 - Correspondence file for Ms G. Bellord, 1991
48 - Correspondence file for Mr C. Bennett, 1991
49 - Correspondence file for Mr B.E. Bennett, 1991
50 - Correspondence file for Mrs J. Bennett, 1991
51 - Correspondence file for Mr J.M. Benson, 1991
52 - Correspondence file for Miss S. Benson, 1991
53 - Correspondence file for Mrs G. Bernard, 1990-1991
54 - Correspondence file for Mr and Mrs J. Berrie, 1991
55 - Correspondence file for Mrs M. Berry, 1991
56 - Correspondence file for Mr J.S. Bhamra, 1991
57 - Correspondence file for Mr M.A.J. Bhatti, 1991
58 - Correspondence file for Mrs M. Bheecarry, 1991
59 - Correspondence file for Mr J. Bicourt, 1991
60 - Correspondence file for Mrs C. Bird, 1991
61 - Correspondence file for Miss S. Birkby, 1991
62 - Correspondence file for Mr G. Blackwood, 1991
63 - Correspondence file for Mrs Blanchette, 1991
64 - Correspondence file for Mrs J. Blavin, 1991
65 - Correspondence file for Mr G. Bodmer, 1991
66 - Correspondence file for Mr R.C. Bond, 1991
67 - Correspondence file for Col B. Boon, 1991
68 - Correspondence file for Mr G.R. Boote, 1991
69 - Correspondence file for Mrs A. Booth, 1991
70 - Correspondence file for Miss R. Boswell, 1991
71 - Correspondence file for Mrs E.J. Bourton, 1991
72 - Correspondence file for Mr P.E. Bowden, 1991
73 - Correspondence file for Mr D.J. Bowker, 1991
74 - Correspondence file for Mr K. Boyle, 1991
75 - Correspondence file for Mr I. and Mrs J. Brading, 1991
76 - Correspondence file for Mr E. Bradley, 1991
77 - Correspondence file for Mr and Mrs M. Braithwaite, 1991
78 - Correspondence file for Ms J. Bramley, 1991
79 - Correspondence file for Mr G. Brandreth, 1991
80 - Correspondence file for Mrs S. Breen, 1991
81 - Correspondence file for Mr C.L. Brewster, 1991
82 - Correspondence file for Mr E. Brieze, 1991
83 - Correspondence file for Dr P. Brightwell, 1991
84 - Correspondence file for Mrs E. Brimacombe, 1991
85 - Correspondence file for Mrs G. Brisk, 1991
86 - Correspondence file for Mrs C. Bristow, 1991
87 - Correspondence file for Mr A. Brittain, 1991
88 - Correspondence file for Mr D. Britton, 1991
89 - Correspondence file for Canon R. Broadberry, 1991
90 - Correspondence file for Mrs J. Bromham, 1991
91 - Correspondence file for Mrs H. Brook, 1991
92 - Correspondence file for Mr A. Brooks, 1991
93 - Correspondence file for Mr P. Brophy-Lemay, 1991
94 - Correspondence file for Mr D. Brown, 1991
95 - Correspondence file for Mr J. Brown, 1991
96 - Correspondence file for Mr K. Brown, 1991
97 - Correspondence file for Mr R. Brown, 1991
98 - Correspondence file for Ms E. Browning, 1991
99 - Correspondence file for Mrs B. Bryan, 1991
100 - Correspondence file for Mrs D. Buck, 1991
101 - Correspondence file for Mr R. Bud, 1991
102 - Correspondence file for Mr J. Bunner, 1991
103 - Correspondence file for Mr D. Burgess-Wise, 1991
104 - Correspondence file for Mrs J. Burns, 1991
105 - Correspondence file for Mr J. Burtenshaw, 1991
106 - Correspondence file for Ms G. Burtwell, 1991
107 - Correspondence file for Mr M. Bushell, 1991
108 - Correspondence file for Mr R. Bushin, 1991
109 - Correspondence file for Mr A. Butler, 1991
110 - Correspondence file for Mrs K. Butler, 1991
111 - Correspondence file for Mrs A. Cahill, 1991
112 - Correspondence file for Mr R. Callahan, 1991
113 - Correspondence file for Miss S. Callow, 1991
114 - Correspondence file for Mrs Y. Callow, 1991
115 - Correspondence file for Mr C. Campbell, 1991
116 - Correspondence file for Mr D. Campbell, 1991
117 - Correspondence file for Mrs F. Campbell, 1991
118 - Correspondence file for Mrs P. Campbell, 1991
119 - Correspondence file for Mr P. Campbell, 1991
120 - Correspondence file for Mr H. Cane, 1991
121 - Correspondence file for Mr J. Carew, 1991
122 - Correspondence file for Mr A. Carey, 1991
123 - Correspondence file for Miss J. Carey, 1991
124 - Correspondence file for Mr K. Carleton-Reeves, 1991
125 - Correspondence file for Mrs P. Carling, 1991
126 - Correspondence file for Miss C. Carnell, 1991
127 - Correspondence file for Mr R. Carpenter, 1991
128 - Correspondence file for Mrs J. Carter, 1991
129 - Correspondence file for Mr A. Carver, 1991
130 - Correspondence file for Mr T. Casey, 1991
131 - Correspondence file for Mr and Mrs A. Cashlin, 1991
132 - Correspondence file for Mr W. Caston, 1991
133 - Correspondence file for Mr J. Catford, 1991
134 - Correspondence file for Mr C. Cavadino, 1991
135 - Correspondence file for Mr E. Chalkley, 1991
136 - Correspondence file for Mr R. Chana, 1991
137 - Correspondence file for Mr I. Chapman, 1991
138 - Correspondence file for Mrs N. Charlton, 1991
139 - Correspondence file for Mr N. Charlton, 1991
140 - Correspondence file for Miss M. Chatterjee, 1991
141 - Correspondence file for Miss J. Chatterton, 1991
142 - Correspondence file for Mr L. Chatterton, 1991
143 - Correspondence file for Mr V. Cheffey, 1991
144 - Correspondence file for Mrs V. Chesterton, 1991
145 - Correspondence file for Mr A. Child, 1991
146 - Correspondence file for Mr D. Child, 1991
147 - Correspondence file for Mrs M. Child, 1991
148 - Correspondence file for Mr C. Clark, 1991
149 - Correspondence file for Mr C. Clark, 1991
150 - Correspondence file for Mr P. Clark, 1991
151 - Correspondence file for Mrs J. Clarke, 1991
152 - Correspondence file for Mrs J. Clift, 1991
153 - Correspondence file for Mr R. Coatman, 1991
154 - Correspondence file for Mr C. Cobb, 1991
155 - Correspondence file for Mr A.C. Coging, 1991
156 - Correspondence file for Mr S. Cohen, 1991
157 - Correspondence file for Mrs K.A. Cole, 1991
158 - Correspondence file for Mrs M. Cole, 1991
159 - Correspondence file for Mr A. Collings, 1991
160 - Correspondence file for Mr H. Collins, 1991
161 - Correspondence file for Mr J. Collins, 1991
162 - Correspondence file for Mrs R. Comber, 1991
163 - Correspondence file for Mr D. Congdon, 1991
164 - Correspondence file for Mrs C. Conitzer, 1991
165 - Correspondence file for Mr D.J. Conway, 1991
166 - Correspondence file for Mr S.J. Cooke, 1991
167 - Correspondence file for Mr T. Coomber, 1991
168 - Correspondence file for Mrs C. Cooper, 1991
169 - Correspondence file for Mr and Mrs M. Cooper, 1991
170 - Correspondence file for Mr T. Cordle, 1991
171 - Correspondence file for Miss H. Corduff, 1991
172 - Correspondence file for Mr I. Corea, 1991
173 - Correspondence file for Mr P. Cormack, 1991
174 - Correspondence file for Mr S. Corob, 1991
175 - Correspondence file for Mr S. Cosby, 1991
176 - Correspondence file for Mrs K. Cossey, 1991
177 - Correspondence file for Mrs J. Coughlan, 1991
178 - Correspondence file for Mrs E. Coven, 1991
179 - Correspondence file for Mr R. Cowap, 1991
180 - Correspondence file for Mr J. Cox, 1991
181 - Correspondence file for Mr M.J. Cox, 1991
182 - Correspondence file for Mrs E. Craig, 1991
183 - Correspondence file for Mrs E. Creak, 1991
184 - Correspondence file for Mr D. Croft, 1991
185 - Correspondence file for Mr A. Cropp, 1991
186 - Correspondence file for Miss J. Crosby, 1991
187 - Correspondence file for Mr R. Cross, 1991
188 - Correspondence file for Mrs J. Crossman, 1991
189 - Correspondence file for Mr R. Croxton, 1991
190 - Correspondence file for Mr P. Cruse, 1991
191 - Correspondence file for Miss B. Culliven, 1991
192 - Correspondence file for Mrs M. Culmer, 1991
193 - Correspondence file for Miss A. Culverwell, 1991
194 - Correspondence file for Mrs H. Cummings, 1991
195 - Correspondence file for Mrs A. Curniffe, 1991
196 - Correspondence file for Mr F. Currie, 1991
197 - Correspondence file for Mrs G. Curtis, 1991
198 - Correspondence file for Miss Curtis, 1991
199 - Correspondence file for Mr J. Daniels, 1991
200 - Correspondence file for Mrs J. Daniels, 1991
201 - Correspondence file for Mr Clifford Dann, 1991
202 - Correspondence file for Mrs P. Dann, 1991
203 - Correspondence file for Mrs L. Darlow, 1991
204 - Correspondence file for Mrs J. Davenport, 1991
205 - Correspondence file for Mr A. Davey, 1991
206 - Correspondence file for Mrs N. Davey, 1991
207 - Correspondence file for Mr F. Davidson, 1991
208 - Correspondence file for Rev R. A. Davies, 1991
209 - Correspondence file for Ms. M. Davies, 1991
210 - Correspondence file for Mr J. Davis, 1991
211 - Correspondence file for Rev R. Davis, 1991
212 - Correspondence file for Mrs L. Dawes, 1991
213 - Correspondence file for Mr A. Dawson, 1991
214 - Correspondence file for Mr D. Dayus, 1991
215 - Correspondence file for Mrs J. Deakins, 1991
216 - Correspondence file for Mr G. Dean, 1991
217 - Correspondence file for Mrs M. Dean, 1991
218 - Correspondence file for Mrs V. Dean, 1991
219 - Correspondence file for Mrs L. De Burea, 1991
220 - Correspondence file for Mr P. de Buriatte, 1991
221 - Correspondence file for Mrs H. de Lyon, 1991
222 - Correspondence file for Mrs H. Dennis, 1991
223 - Correspondence file for Mrs R. Derby, 1991
224 - Correspondence file for Mr F. de Silva, 1991
225 - Correspondence file for Mr J. de Sousa, 1991
226 - Correspondence file for Miss J. Dhamrait, 1991
227 - Correspondence file for Ms A. Dickenson, 1991
228 - Correspondence file for Miss J. Dickinson, 1991
229 - Correspondence file for Mr O. Dideriksen, 1991
230 - Correspondence file for Mr A. Dinning, 1991
231 - Correspondence file for Mrs J. Dixon, 1991
232 - Correspondence file for Mrs S. Dixon, 1991
233 - Correspondence file for Mr J. Dobson, 1991
234 - Correspondence file for Mr G. Dolamore, 1991
235 - Correspondence file for Mr E. Dolan, 1991
236 - Correspondence file for Ms L. Donald-Jacobs, 1991
237 - Correspondence file for Miss Donner, 1991
238 - Correspondence file for Mrs P. Dorbin, 1991
239 - Correspondence file for Mrs S. Dorfler, 1991
240 - Correspondence file for Mrs J. Dorn, 1991
241 - Correspondence file for Rev D. Douglas, 1991
242 - Correspondence file for Mr W. Dove, 1991
243 - Correspondence file for Mr J. Dowland, 1991
244 - Correspondence file for Ms S. Dowson, 1991
245 - Correspondence file for Col G. Draycott, 1991
246 - Correspondence file for Mrs Drew, 1991
247 - Correspondence file for Mr T. Driscoll, 1991
248 - Correspondence file for Sir E. du Cann, 1991
249 - Correspondence file for Mrs S. Dudley, 1991
250 - Correspondence file for Mr P. Duffley, 1991
251 - Correspondence file for Miss J. Duffy, 1991
252 - Correspondence file for Mrs Duggan, 1991
253 - Correspondence file for Mr A. Duncan, 1991
254 - Correspondence file for Mr A. J. Duncan, 1991
255 - Correspondence file for Mr A. Dunn, 1991
256 - Correspondence file for Mr and Mrs B. Durling, 1991
257 - Correspondence file for Mr J. Durtnell, 1991
258 - Correspondence file for Mr and Mrs D. Dutton, 1991
259 - Correspondence file for Mr D. Dyer, 1991
260 - Correspondence file for Mrs S. Dyer, 1991
261 - Correspondence file for Ms S. Dzendzera, 1991
262 - Correspondence file for Miss S. Dziedziela, 1991
263 - Correspondence file for Mrs M. Earle, 1991
264 - Correspondence file for Mr and Mrs H. Edey, 1991
265 - Correspondence file for Mr G. Edington, 1991
266 - Correspondence file for Mrs P. Egan, 1991
267 - Correspondence file for Mr and Mrs Elhannaeh, 1991
268 - Correspondence file for Mr A. Elley, 1991
269 - Correspondence file for Mr H. Elliott, 1991
270 - Correspondence file for Mr S. Elliott, 1991
271 - Correspondence file for Mr Elliott, 1991
272 - Correspondence file for Mr R. Ellison, 1991
273 - Correspondence file for Rev D. English, 1991
274 - Correspondence file for Ms C. Evans, 1991
275 - Correspondence file for Mr G. Evans, 1991
276 - Correspondence file for Mrs J. Evans, 1991
277 - Correspondence file for Mrs V. Evans, 1991
278 - Correspondence file for Mrs W. Evans, 1991
279 - Correspondence file for Miss L. Eyres, 1991
280 - Correspondence file for Mr W. Faife, 1991
281 - Correspondence file for Mr S. Fairclough, 1991
282 - Correspondence file for Dr J. Fairlie, 1991
283 - Correspondence file for Sir J. Farr, 1991
284 - Correspondence file for Mrs L. Farrell, 1991
285 - Correspondence file for Miss A. Fassell, 1991
286 - Correspondence file for Mr K. Fatehi, 1991
287 - Correspondence file for Ms E. Faulds, 1991
288 - Correspondence file for Mr C. Fearon, 1991
289 - Correspondence file for Mr Feldman, 1991
290 - Correspondence file for Mr A. Ferdandez, 1991
291 - Correspondence file for Mrs S. Ferdandez, 1991
292 - Correspondence file for Mrs B. Fiducia, 1991
293 - Correspondence file for Mr G. Filbey, 1991
294 - Correspondence file for Mr S. Finch, 1991
295 - Correspondence file for Mr A. Fish, 1991
296 - Correspondence file for Mrs P. Fisher, 1991
297 - Correspondence file for Mr R. Fishwick, 1991
298 - Correspondence file for Mrs S. Fitzgerald, 1991
299 - Correspondence file for Miss F. Fleck, 1991
300 - Correspondence file for Mr B. Fletcher, 1991
301 - Correspondence file for Mr K. Fogelman, 1991
302 - Correspondence file for Miss K. Foley, 1991
303 - Correspondence file for Mrs M. Foot, 1991
304 - Correspondence file for Mr M. R. Foot, 1991
305 - Correspondence file for Miss J. Ford, 1991
306 - Correspondence file for Mr P. Ford, 1991
307 - Correspondence file for Mr R.T. Ford, 1991
308 - Correspondence file for Miss J. Forrai, 1991
309 - Correspondence file for Mrs E. Forrester, 1991
310 - Correspondence file for Mr and Mrs V. Forshaw, 1991
311 - Correspondence file for Mr L. Fosbroke, 1991
312 - Correspondence file for Miss V.A. Foster, 1991
313 - Correspondence file for Mr M.A. Fowler, 1991
314 - Correspondence file for Sir M. Fox, 1991
315 - Correspondence file for Ms S. Frame, 1991
316 - Correspondence file for Mr C. Francis, 1990
317 - Correspondence file for Mr J. Francis, 1991
318 - Correspondence file for Mr L. Francis, 1991
319 - Correspondence file for Mr L.C. Francis, 1991
320 - Correspondence file for Rev D. Friend, 1991
321 - Correspondence file for Miss L. Freston, 1991
322 - Correspondence file for Mr T.R. Frost, 1991
323 - Correspondence file for Miss M. Fuller, 1991
324 - Correspondence file for Mr A. Furley, 1991
325 - Correspondence file for Mr D. Furze, 1991
326 - Correspondence file for Sir G. Gardiner, 1991
327 - Correspondence file for Mr and Mrs R.A. Gardiner, 1991
328 - Correspondence file for Miss J.M.P. Gardner, 1991
329 - Correspondence file for Mr W. Gardner, 1991
330 - Correspondence file for Mrs M. Garfath, 1991
331 - Correspondence file for Miss J. Garman, 1991
332 - Correspondence file for Mr W.W. Garratt, 1991
333 - Correspondence file for Miss M.J. Gathercole, 1991
334 - Correspondence file for Lord Geddes, 1991
335 - Correspondence file for Miss B.M. George, 1991
336 - Correspondence file for Mrs Z. George, 1991
337 - Correspondence file for Mrs M. Ghero, 1991
338 - Correspondence file for Mr D. Gibbs, 1991
339 - Correspondence file for Mr R. Gibbs, 1991
340 - Correspondence file for Ms A. Gibson, 1991
341 - Correspondence file for Miss J. Gibson, 1991
342 - Correspondence file for Mr A.D. Giddings, 1991
343 - Correspondence file for Ms J. Gilbert, 1991
344 - Correspondence file for Mr J.B. Gilchrist, 1991
345 - Correspondence file for Mrs J.B. Giles, 1991
346 - Correspondence file for Mr E. Gillam, 1991
347 - Correspondence file for Mr W.J. Glassborow, 1991
348 - Correspondence file for Mr R. Goad, 1991
349 - Correspondence file for Mr and Mrs S. Gobin, 1991
350 - Correspondence file for Mr R. Godden, 1991
351 - Correspondence file for Mr T. Godfrey, 1991
352 - Correspondence file for Ms B. Goldsmith, 1991
353 - Correspondence file for Miss M. Goodwin, 1991
354 - Correspondence file for Mrs V. Gore, 1991
355 - Correspondence file for Miss C. Gould, 1991
356 - Correspondence file for Mr I. Gow, 1990
357 - Correspondence file for Mr A.C. Graham, 1991
358 - Correspondence file for Mrs M.E. Granger, 1991
359 - Correspondence file for Mr A. Grant, 1991
360 - Correspondence file for Mrs P.J. Grant, 1991
361 - Correspondence file for Mr P. Grant, 1991
362 - Correspondence file for Mr R. Gravett, 1991
363 - Correspondence file for Mr D. Gray, 1991
364 - Correspondence file for Canon D. Gray, 1991
365 - Correspondence file for Ms T. Gray, 1991
366 - Correspondence file for Mr and Mrs T. Gray, 1991
367 - Correspondence file for Mr P. Graydon, 1991
368 - Correspondence file for Mr J. Greaves, 1991
369 - Correspondence file for Mrs I. Grech, 1991
370 - Correspondence file for Mr J. Green, 1991
371 - Correspondence file for Miss L. Green, 1991
372 - Correspondence file for Mr R. Green, 1991
373 - Correspondence file for Mr M. Greenland, 1991
374 - Correspondence file for Mr and Mrs S. Grew, 1991
375 - Correspondence file for Mr P. Griffin, 1991
376 - Correspondence file for Mrs B. Griffiths, 1991
377 - Correspondence file for Mr G. Guest, 1991
378 - Correspondence file for Mr M. Gulley, 1991
379 - Correspondence file for Mr J. Gummer, 1991
380 - Correspondence file for Mr H. Gutteridge, 1991
381 - Correspondence file for Mr L.W. Gyde, 1991
382 - Correspondence file for Mr and Mrs B.J. Haddlesey, 1991
383 - Correspondence file for Mr S. Haidar, 1991
384 - Correspondence file for Dr M. Haigh, 1991
385 - Correspondence file for Mr W.E. Haines, 1991
386 - Correspondence file for Miss K. Hall, 1991
387 - Correspondence file for Mr N. Hall, 1991
388 - Correspondence file for Ms R. Hall, 1991
389 - Correspondence file for Mr D. Halpern, 1991
390 - Correspondence file for Mr M. Halsey, 1991
391 - Correspondence file for Mr S. Halsey, 1991
392 - Correspondence file for Mrs A. Hambridge, 1991
393 - Correspondence file for Mr S. Hamid, 1991
394 - Correspondence file for Mr C. Hamilton, 1991
395 - Correspondence file for Mrs A. Hammond, 1991
396 - Correspondence file for Mr N. Hampton, 1991
397 - Correspondence file for Mr and Mrs E. Handley, 1991
398 - Correspondence file for Mrs J. Hanif, 1991
399 - Correspondence file for Mrs D. Hanlon, 1991
400 - Correspondence file for Mr M. Hannach, 1991
401 - Correspondence file for Ms M.R. Hansen, 1991
402 - Correspondence file for A. Harq, 1991
403 - Correspondence file for Mr A. Hardcastle, 1991
404 - Correspondence file for Mr R. Hardy, 1991
405 - Correspondence file for Mr and Mrs R.A. Harley, 1991
406 - Correspondence file for Mr D. Harper, 1991
407 - Correspondence file for Mrs J. Harris, 1991
408 - Correspondence file for Sir Philip Harris, 1991
409 - Correspondence file for Mr S. Harris, 1991
410 - Correspondence file for Mrs H. Harrison, 1991
411 - Correspondence file for Mr M. Harrison, 1991
412 - Correspondence file for Mr R. Harrison, 1991
413 - Correspondence file for Mr R.T. Harrison, 1991
414 - Correspondence file for Mr W. Harrison, 1991
415 - Correspondence file for Miss C. Harvey, 1991
416 - Correspondence file for Ms S. Harvey, 1991
417 - Correspondence file for Mr R.M.J. Harvey-Amer, 1991
418 - Correspondence file for Ms L. Hatfield, 1991
419 - Correspondence file for Mrs J. Haugen, 1991
420 - Correspondence file for Mrs M. Hawkins, 1991
421 - Correspondence file for Mrs S. Hawkins, 1991
422 - Correspondence file for Mr T. Hayes, 1991
423 - Correspondence file for Mr A. Haywood, 1991
424 - Correspondence file for Mr F.R. Hazell, 1991
425 - Correspondence file for Mrs M. Heald, 1991
426 - Correspondence file for Mr R.P. Heazell, 1991
427 - Correspondence file for Mrs S. Heddle, 1991
428 - Correspondence file for Mr R. Hedgecombe, 1991
429 - Correspondence file for Mrs M. Hedger, 1991
430 - Correspondence file for Mr B. Helps, 1991
431 - Correspondence file for Mr D.L. Helyar, 1991
432 - Correspondence file for Mrs J. Henry, 1991
433 - Correspondence file for Ms E. Henry-Small, 1991
434 - Correspondence file for Ms G. Henson, 1991
435 - Correspondence file for Sir P. Herbert, 1991
436 - Correspondence file for Mr O. Hertz, 1991
437 - Correspondence file for Mrs J. Hewlett, 1991
438 - Correspondence file for Mr A. Heywood, 1991
439 - Correspondence file for Mr P. Hicks, 1991
440 - Correspondence file for Mrs A. Hill, 1991
441 - Correspondence file for Rev C. Hill, 1991
442 - Correspondence file for Mr C. Hill, 1991
443 - Correspondence file for Mr R. Hill, 1991
444 - Correspondence file for Miss K.L. Hilton, 1991
445 - Correspondence file for Mr B. and Mr J. Hine, 1991
446 - Correspondence file for Mrs M. Hine, 1991
447 - Correspondence file for Mr G. Hitchen, 1991
448 - Correspondence file for Mr T. Hodgson, 1991
449 - Correspondence file for Mrs C.A. Hoey, 1991
450 - Correspondence file for Mr G. Hogan, 1991
451 - Correspondence file for Mr N. Hogg, 1991
452 - Correspondence file for Miss M. Hoidis, 1991
453 - Correspondence file for Miss J.E. Holcombe, 1991
454 - Correspondence file for Mr R.K. Holden, 1991
455 - Correspondence file for Mrs M.W. Holdroyd, 1991
456 - Correspondence file for Ms B. Holland, 1991
457 - Correspondence file for Sir P. Holland, 1991
458 - Correspondence file for Mr S. Hollands, 1991
459 - Correspondence file for Rev R. Holloway, 1991
460 - Correspondence file for Mr R. Holme, 1991
461 - Correspondence file for Mr L.A. Holness, 1991
462 - Correspondence file for Mr J.F. Holroyd, 1991
463 - Correspondence file for Mrs L.J. Holt, 1991
464 - Correspondence file for Mrs A.M. Holyoak, 1991
465 - Correspondence file for Mrs K.M. Honeywell, 1991
466 - Correspondence file for Mrs G. Hopkins, 1991
467 - Correspondence file for Mr C. Hopkins-Husson, 1991
468 - Correspondence file for Rev G. Hopley, 1991
469 - Correspondence file for Mr W.H. Hore, 1991
470 - Correspondence file for Mr J. Hore-Ruthven, 1991
471 - Correspondence file for Mrs E. Horlock, 1991
472 - Correspondence file for Mr A. Howe, 1991
473 - Correspondence file for Mr D. Howe, 1991
474 - Correspondence file for Mr G. Howe, 1991
475 - Correspondence file for Miss N. Howe, 1991
476 - Correspondence file for Mr G. Hoyle, 1991
477 - Correspondence file for Mr A. Hughes, 1991
478 - Correspondence file for Mrs B. Hughes, 1991
479 - Correspondence file for Mr R. Hughes, 1991
480 - Correspondence file for Mrs G. Hunt, 1991
481 - Correspondence file for Mrs J. Hunt, 1991
482 - Correspondence file for Sir J. Hunt, 1991
483 - Correspondence file for Mr P. Hurley, 1991
484 - Correspondence file for Mr A. Hurndall, 1991
485 - Correspondence file for Mrs F.G. Hurndall, 1991
486 - Correspondence file for Mrs A. Hutchings, 1991
487 - Correspondence file for Mr J. Hutton, 1991
488 - Correspondence file for Miss J. Hyland, 1991
489 - Correspondence file for Mr M. Hyland, 1991
490 - Correspondence file for Mr M. Illingworth, 1991
491 - Correspondence file for Mr D. Ingman, 1991
492 - Correspondence file for Mr D. Inman, 1991
493 - Correspondence file for Mr G. Jackson, 1991
494 - Correspondence file for Mr L. Jackson, 1991
495 - Correspondence file for Miss J. Jacobs, 1991
496 - Correspondence file for Mr A.W. Jaffer, 1991
497 - Correspondence file for Mrs D. Jagoda, 1991
498 - Correspondence file for Mrs S.M. Jakeman, 1991
499 - Correspondence file for Mr M. Jallow, 1991
500 - Correspondence file for Dr M. Jameel, 1991
501 - Correspondence file for Mrs C. James, 1991
502 - Correspondence file for Mr P.A. James, 1991
503 - Correspondence file for Mrs D. Jansen, 1991
504 - Correspondence file for Mrs J. Jarvis, 1991
505 - Correspondence file for Miss P.J. Jarvis, 1991
506 - Correspondence file for Mr R.K. Jasani, 1991
507 - Correspondence file for Rev R. Jeffery, 1991
508 - Correspondence file for Mr J. Jeffery-Cook, 1991
509 - Correspondence file for Mr R.J. Jeffreys, 1991
510 - Correspondence file for Mr P. Jenkins, 1991
511 - Correspondence file for Mr J. Jenkinson, 1991
512 - Correspondence file for Mrs E. Jessel, 1991
513 - Correspondence file for Mr D. Jewell, 1991
514 - Correspondence file for Mr C. John, 1991
515 - Correspondence file for Mrs B. Johns, 1991
516 - Correspondence file for Mrs L. Johnson, 1991
517 - Correspondence file for Mrs M.C. Johnson, 1991
518 - Correspondence file for Mr J.R.C. Johnston, 1991
519 - Correspondence file for Mr C. Jones, 1991
520 - Correspondence file for Mr C. Jones, 1991
521 - Correspondence file for Mrs J.E. Jones, 1991
522 - Correspondence file for Mrs M.S. Jones, 1991
523 - Correspondence file for Mr M.F. Jones, 1991
524 - Correspondence file for Mr P. Jones, 1991
525 - Correspondence file for Ms S. Jones, 1991
526 - Correspondence file for Ms Z. Jones, 1991
527 - Correspondence file for Mr R.C. Jorden, 1991
528 - Correspondence file for Mrs A. Jorden-Sajed, 1991
529 - Correspondence file for Mr B.C. Jupp, 1991
530 - Correspondence file for Mr N. Kanuga, 1991
531 - Correspondence file for Mr and Mrs M. Kecek, 1991
532 - Correspondence file for Miss A.E. Keene, 1991
533 - Correspondence file for Mrs N. Kelly, 1991
534 - Correspondence file for Mr B.C. Kemp, 1991
535 - Correspondence file for Miss L. Kendall, 1991
536 - Correspondence file for Mr T. Kerr, 1991
537 - Correspondence file for Mr M.W. Keyte, 1991
538 - Correspondence file for Mr and Mrs A. Khalique, 1991
539 - Correspondence file for Mr A. Khan, 1991
540 - Correspondence file for Mr A. Khan, 1991
541 - Correspondence file for Dr H. Khan, 1991
542 - Correspondence file for Mr R.M. Khan, 1991
543 - Correspondence file for Mrs S. Khan, 1991
544 - Correspondence file for Mr S.A. Khan, 1991
545 - Correspondence file for Mr J.N. Kharbanda, 1991
546 - Correspondence file for Mr M.I. Khokhar, 1991
547 - Correspondence file for Mr and Mrs P. Kilpatrick, 1991
548 - Correspondence file for Mrs J. Kindred, 1991
549 - Correspondence file for Mr H. King, 1991
550 - Correspondence file for Mr I. King, 1991
551 - Correspondence file for Mrs R. Kipling, 1991
552 - Correspondence file for Mr G. Kirby, 1991
553 - Correspondence file for Miss D. Kitt, 1991
554 - Correspondence file for Mr B. Knight, 1991
555 - Correspondence file for Mrs B.E. Knight, 1991
556 - Correspondence file for Mr J.R. Knight, 1991
557 - Correspondence file for Mrs M.D.C. Knowles, 1991
558 - Correspondence file for Mr M. Kohler, 1991
559 - Correspondence file for Mr J. Krzok, 1991
560 - Correspondence file for Mr A. Laing, 1991
561 - Correspondence file for Mr J. Lake, 1991
562 - Correspondence file for Mr M. Lakhi, 1991
563 - Correspondence file for Mr D. Lane, 1991
564 - Correspondence file for Mrs C. Lang, 1991
565 - Correspondence file for Mrs C. Langdon, 1991
566 - Correspondence file for Mrs M. Lasoche, 1991
567 - Correspondence file for Mr R.H. Laub, 1991
568 - Correspondence file for Mrs L. Lauder, 1991
569 - Correspondence file for Mr P. Laundy, 1991
570 - Correspondence file for Ms S. Laurie, 1991
571 - Correspondence file for Rev F. Lavender, 1991
572 - Correspondence file for Mr R.F. Lawrence, 1991
573 - Correspondence file for Mr S. Lawrence, 1991
574 - Correspondence file for Mrs A.J. Leach, 1991
575 - Correspondence file for Mr M.G. Leatham, 1991
576 - Correspondence file for Rev B. Lee, 1991
577 - Correspondence file for Mr D. Lee, 1991
578 - Correspondence file for Mr J. Lee, 1991
579 - Correspondence file for Miss J. Lee, 1991
580 - Correspondence file for Miss J-Lee Hall, 1991
581 - Correspondence file for Mr K.H. Legge, 1991
582 - Correspondence file for Mr A.E. Lench, 1991
583 - Correspondence file for Mrs T. Leppard, 1991
584 - Correspondence file for Miss C. Leslie, 1991
585 - Correspondence file for Mr M. Lesser, 1991
586 - Correspondence file for Mr T. Letts, 1991
587 - Correspondence file for Mr L.E. Leuty, 1991
588 - Correspondence file for Miss C. Levitt, 1991
589 - Correspondence file for Ms L. Lewis, 1991
590 - Correspondence file for Miss M. Lewis, 1991
591 - Correspondence file for Mr R. Lewis, 1991
592 - Correspondence file for Mrs R. Lewis, 1991
593 - Correspondence file for Mr M. Lickiss, 1991
594 - Correspondence file for Mr A.W. Lidbury, 1991
595 - Correspondence file for Mrs M. Lindsey-Noble, 1991
596 - Correspondence file for Mr R. Lines, 1991
597 - Correspondence file for Mrs C. Lindo, 1991
598 - Correspondence file for Mr and Mrs Ling, 1991
599 - Correspondence file for Mr D. Lipman, 1991
600 - Correspondence file for Miss J. Lipscombe, 1991
601 - Correspondence file for Mr A.F. Litten, 1991
602 - Correspondence file for Mr F. Lloyd, 1991
603 - Correspondence file for Mr P. Lloyd, 1991
604 - Correspondence file for Miss L. Lock, 1991
605 - Correspondence file for Miss A.F. Locke, 1991
606 - Correspondence file for Mr D. Lomas, 1991
607 - Correspondence file for Mr A. Looch, 1991
608 - Correspondence file for Mrs S. Looms, 1991
609 - Correspondence file for Mrs A. Lopez, 1991
610 - Correspondence file for Mr D. Loughborough, 1991
611 - Correspondence file for Mr G. Love, 1991
612 - Correspondence file for Mrs I. Lovegrove, 1991
613 - Correspondence file for Miss S. Low, 1991
614 - Correspondence file for Mr A. Lowe, 1991
615 - Correspondence file for Mrs S. Lowe, 1991
616 - Correspondence file for Mr F. Lumb, 1991
617 - Correspondence file for Mr M.J. Lunn, 1991
618 - Correspondence file for Miss D. Lyn, 1991
619 - Correspondence file for Mrs B.S. Lythgoe, 1991
620 - Correspondence file for Mrs E. McAllister, 1991
621 - Correspondence file for Mrs M. McAnally, 1991
622 - Correspondence file for Mr C. Macarthur, 1991
623 - Correspondence file for Mr G. McCallum, 1991
624 - Correspondence file for Mr R.G. McCann, 1991
625 - Correspondence file for Mr B.D. McCarthy, 1991
626 - Correspondence file for Mr P.J. McCarthy, 1991
627 - Correspondence file for Mr G. McCasker, 1991
628 - Correspondence file for Mr and Mrs D. McCleave, 1991
629 - Correspondence file for Mr P.J. McConway, 1991
630 - Correspondence file for Mr D. McCormick, 1991
631 - Correspondence file for Mr R.J. McColl, 1991
632 - Correspondence file for Mr M. McCullagh, 1991
633 - Correspondence file for Lady Macdonald, 1991
634 - Correspondence file for Mrs J.A. McDowell, 1991
635 - Correspondence file for Mrs S. Macfarlane, 1991
636 - Correspondence file for Mrs M.A. McGee, 1991
637 - Correspondence file for Mrs K. McGree, 1991
638 - Correspondence file for Mrs M. McGowan, 1991
639 - Correspondence file for Mr and Mrs S.P. McHugo, 1991
640 - Correspondence file for Ms P. McInnes, 1991
641 - Correspondence file for Mr A. Mackay, 1991
642 - Correspondence file for Mr G.A. McKenzie, 1991
643 - Correspondence file for Mr G. MacKenzie, 1991
644 - Correspondence file for Miss S.C. MacKenzie, 1991
645 - Correspondence file for Rev M.R. McKinney, 1991
646 - Correspondence file for Mrs H. McKreith, 1991
647 - Correspondence file for Mr I.N. MacLaren, 1991
648 - Correspondence file for Mr D.J. McLelland, 1991
649 - Correspondence file for Mr A. McMahon, 1991
650 - Correspondence file for Rev T. McMahon, 1991
651 - Correspondence file for Mr S. McMillan, 1991
652 - Correspondence file for Mr S. McMillan, 1991
653 - Correspondence file for McMillan Williams, 1991
654 - Correspondence file for Mrs H. McMullan, 1991
655 - Correspondence file for Miss A. McQuade, 1991
656 - Correspondence file for Mr S. Mabey, 1991
657 - Correspondence file for Mr W.C. Mabey, 1991
658 - Correspondence file for Mrs T. Macey, 1991
659 - Correspondence file for Miss A. Mahdi, 1991
660 - Correspondence file for Miss E. Mahoney, 1991
661 - Correspondence file for Mrs R. Major, 1991
662 - Correspondence file for Mr H. Malins, 1991
663 - Correspondence file for Ms M. Mangan, 1991
664 - Correspondence file for Mrs J. Manley, 1991
665 - Correspondence file for Mrs J. Manley, 1991
666 - Correspondence file for Mrs S. Manley, 1991
667 - Correspondence file for Mr and Mrs Mann, 1991
668 - Correspondence file for Mrs R. Mannell, 1991
669 - Correspondence file for Mr J. Manners, 1991
670 - Correspondence file for Mr G. Manson, 1991
671 - Correspondence file for Mr E.P. Mansour, 1991
672 - Correspondence file for Mr H. Mansour, 1991
673 - Correspondence file for Mr P. Manvell, 1991
674 - Correspondence file for Mr J. Maplethorpe, 1991
675 - Correspondence file for Mother Mark, 1991
676 - Correspondence file for Mrs M. Marsh, 1991
677 - Correspondence file for Ms J. Marshall, 1991
678 - Correspondence file for Mr R.H.M. Marshall, 1991
679 - Correspondence file for Rev D. Martin, 1991
680 - Correspondence file for Mrs D. Martin, 1991
681 - Correspondence file for Mr G. Martin, 1991
682 - Correspondence file for Mrs L. Martin, 1991
683 - Correspondence file for Dr M. Martin, 1991
685 - Correspondence file for Mrs J.M. Maslen, 1991
686 - Correspondence file for Mr M. Mates, 1991
687 - Correspondence file for Mr L. Mathieson, 1991
688 - Correspondence file for Rev B. Matthews, 1991
689 - Correspondence file for Mr J.F. Mayes, 1991
690 - Correspondence file for Rev M. Mayne, 1991
691 - Correspondence file for Mr R. Mayow, 1991
692 - Correspondence file for Mr D. Mead, 1991
693 - Correspondence file for Mr A. Meakin, 1991
694 - Correspondence file for P. Mear, 1991
695 - Correspondence file for Mr N. Mehta, 1991
696 - Correspondence file for Mr F. Melling, 1991
697 - Correspondence file for Mr P. Mendel, 1991
698 - Correspondence file for Mr Miah, 1991
699 - Correspondence file for Rev A.D. Middleton, 1991
700 - Correspondence file for Mr A. Miller, 1991
701 - Correspondence file for Mr J. Miller, 1991
702 - Correspondence file for Mr J.E. Miller, 1991
703 - Correspondence file for Mr N.D. Miller, 1991
704 - Correspondence file for Mrs P. Millington, 1991
705 - Correspondence file for Mr W. Million, 1991
706 - Correspondence file for Mr P. Mills, 1991
707 - Correspondence file for Mr R. Mills, 1991
708 - Correspondence file for Miss T.J. Mills, 1991
709 - Correspondence file for Ms A. Milne, 1991
710 - Correspondence file for Mr M.J. Milson, 1991
711 - Correspondence file for Mr J.H. Milstead, 1991
712 - Correspondence file for Mr R.T. Milsted, 1991
713 - Correspondence file for Ms U. Misine, 1991
714 - Correspondence file for Mr E.A. Mitchell, 1991
715 - Correspondence file for Mr Mitchell, 1991
716 - Correspondence file for Mr A. Miyoshi, 1991
717 - Correspondence file for Modou, 1991
718 - Correspondence file for Miss V. Moffatt, 1991
719 - Correspondence file for Mr S. Mokal, 1991
720 - Correspondence file for Mr N. Moniz, 1991
721 - Correspondence file for Viscountess Montgomery of Alamein, 1991
722 - Correspondence file for Mr M. Mooney, 1991
723 - Correspondence file for Mr D.F. Moorby, 1991
724 - Correspondence file for Mr C. Moore, 1991
725 - Correspondence file for Mrs H. Moore, 1991
726 - Correspondence file for Mr N. Moore, 1991
727 - Correspondence file for MORA, 1991
728 - Correspondence file for Miss A. Morisy, 1991
729 - Correspondence file for Ms J. Morley, 1991
730 - Correspondence file for Mrs F. Morrell, 1991
731 - Correspondence file for Mrs L.M. Morris, 1991
732 - Correspondence file for Mr M. Morris, 1991
733 - Correspondence file for Mr R.S. Morris, 1991
734 - Correspondence file for Mrs Fay Morrison, 1991
735 - Correspondence file for Mr N. Morrison, 1991
736 - Correspondence file for Mr T. Morrison, 1991
737 - Correspondence file for Mr M.J. Mortimer, 1991
738 - Correspondence file for Sir G. Moseley, 1991
739 - Correspondence file for Mrs D. Moss, 1991
740 - Correspondence file for Mr F. Mottram, 1991
741 - Correspondence file for the Muortat family, 1991
742 - Correspondence file for Mrs V. Mundy, 1991
743 - Correspondence file for Mr G. Munn, 1991
744 - Correspondence file for Mr G. Muortat-Mayen, 1991
745 - Correspondence file for Miss A. Murphy, 1991
746 - Correspondence file for Mrs S.M. Naidu-Buck, 1991
747 - Correspondence file for Mr A.B. Naik, 1991
748 - Correspondence file for Mrs A. Nallish, 1991
749 - Correspondence file for Mr D.L. Napthine, 1991
750 - Correspondence file for Mr C. Narrainen, 1991
751 - Correspondence file for Mr J. Naters, 1991
752 - Correspondence file for Miss J. Nathan, 1991
753 - Correspondence file for Mr T. Nawaz, 1991
754 - Correspondence file for Mr B. Nayar, 1991
755 - Correspondence file for Mr J. Nea, 1991
756 - Correspondence file for Miss A. Nestor, 1991
757 - Correspondence file for Mr C.A. Netty, 1991
758 - Correspondence file for Lord Newall, 1991
759 - Correspondence file for Mr A.J. Newman, 1991
760 - Correspondence file for Mr D. Newman, 1991
761 - Correspondence file for Mr R. Newman, 1991
762 - Correspondence file for Mr R.C.W. Newman, 1991
763 - Correspondence file for Mr B. Newitt, 1991
764 - Correspondence file for Mr C.W. Newton, 1991
765 - Correspondence file for Mr S.A. Newton, 1991
766 - Correspondence file for Mrs M.J. Niblett, 1991
767 - Correspondence file for Rev M. Nicholls, 1991
768 - Correspondence file for Miss C. Nichols, 1991
769 - Correspondence file for Mrs M. Nixon, 1991
770 - Correspondence file for Mr R.G. Noades, 1991
771 - Correspondence file for Mr J. Nobes, 1991
772 - Correspondence file for Lady Noble, 1991
773 - Correspondence file for Mr C. Norman, 1991
774 - Correspondence file for Mrs T. Norris, 1991
775 - Correspondence file for Mrs V.F. North, 1991
776 - Correspondence file for Prof P. Norton, 1991
777 - Correspondence file for Mr A.T.J. Nosek, 1991
778 - Correspondence file for Mr S. O'Brien, 1991
779 - Correspondence file for Mrs S. O'Connor, 1991
780 - Correspondence file for Mr D. O'Driscoll, 1991
781 - Correspondence file for Miss F. O'May, 1991
782 - Correspondence file for Mr S. O'Neill, 1991
783 - Correspondence file for Mr H. O'Reilly, 1991
784 - Correspondence file for Mrs M. O'Sullivan, 1991
785 - Correspondence file for Miss F. Obuobie, 1991
786 - Correspondence file for Rev J. Ogley, 1991
787 - Correspondence file for Mr M. Ogonovsky, 1991
788 - Correspondence file for Miss M. Oliver, 1991
789 - Correspondence file for Mr S. Oliver, 1991
790 - Correspondence file for Miss J. Ollington, 1991
791 - Correspondence file for Miss G. Ollino, 1991
792 - Correspondence file for Mrs M. Orbegozo, 1991
793 - Correspondence file for Mrs A.S. Organ, 1991
794 - Correspondence file for Mrs Orlando, 1991
795 - Correspondence file for Miss N. Osborn, 1991
796 - Correspondence file for Mr R. Ottaway, 1991
797 - Correspondence file for Mr N. Owen, 1991
798 - Correspondence file for Miss S. Owens, 1991
799 - Correspondence file for Mr D. Oxley, 1991
800 - Correspondence file for Ms D. Pagnacco-Warwick, 1991
801 - Correspondence file for Mr B. Palmer, 1991
802 - Correspondence file for Mrs R. Palmer, 1991
803 - Correspondence file for Mr Pankaj Vora, 1991
804 - Correspondence file for Mrs E.W. Pardy, 1991
805 - Correspondence file for Captain M. Parker, 1991
806 - Correspondence file for Mr A.R. Patel, 1991
807 - Correspondence file for Mr K.M. Patel, 1991
808 - Correspondence file for Mr R.L. Patel, 1991
809 - Correspondence file for Mr R.V. Patel, 1991
810 - Correspondence file for Mr J. Patterson, 1991
811 - Correspondence file for Ms J. Patterson, 1991
812 - Correspondence file for Sir G. Pattie, 1991
813 - Correspondence file for Mrs D. Paul, 1991
814 - Correspondence file for Rev B. Pavitt, 1991
815 - Correspondence file for Mr M. Payne, 1991
816 - Correspondence file for Miss A.E. Pazzetta, 1991
817 - Correspondence file for Dr S.J. Peacock, 1991
818 - Correspondence file for Mr B. Pearce, 1991
819 - Correspondence file for Mrs E.M. Pearce, 1991
820 - Correspondence file for Miss E.R. Pears, 1991
821 - Correspondence file for Mr A.A. Pelling, 1991
822 - Correspondence file for Mrs C. Penman, 1991
823 - Correspondence file for Miss E. Peploe, 1991
824 - Correspondence file for Mr K.E. Peraux, 1991
825 - Correspondence file for Mr E. Perkins, 1991
826 - Correspondence file for Mr G.F. Perkins, 1991
827 - Correspondence file for Mr M.J. Peters, 1991
828 - Correspondence file for Mrs C. Pettitt, 1991
829 - Correspondence file for Mrs E. Phillips, 1991
830 - Correspondence file for Mr P.L. Pick, 1991
831 - Correspondence file for Mr U. Pick, 1991
832 - Correspondence file for Miss S. Pickett, 1991
833 - Correspondence file for Mrs E. Picketts, 1991
834 - Correspondence file for Mr H. Pickthorn, 1991
835 - Correspondence file for Mrs P. Pilkington, 1991
836 - Correspondence file for Mr B. Pill, 1991
837 - Correspondence file for Mr G.S. Pillsbury, 1991
838 - Correspondence file for Mrs W. Pitt, 1991
839 - Correspondence file for Miss D. Pittingale, 1991
840 - Correspondence file for Mr R.J. Pizzey, 1991
841 - Correspondence file for Rev F. Pole, 1991
842 - Correspondence file for Mr N. Poole, 1991
843 - Correspondence file for Miss J. Posner, 1991
844 - Correspondence file for Mr A.W. Potts, 1991
845 - Correspondence file for Mrs D. Pratt, 1991
846 - Correspondence file for Mr J. Preston, 1991
847 - Correspondence file for Rev C. Price, 1991
848 - Correspondence file for Lady R. Price, 1991
849 - Correspondence file for Mr S. Price, 1991
850 - Correspondence file for Mr P. Prior, 1991
851 - Correspondence file for Mr W. Prouse, 1991
852 - Correspondence file for Mrs R.S. Puleston, 1991
853 - Correspondence file for Mr P. Pumphrey, 1991
854 - Correspondence file for Mr D. Purvis, 1991
855 - Correspondence file for Mr R. Pywell, 1991
856 - Correspondence file for Miss N. Qureshi, 1991
857 - Correspondence file for Mrs C. Radford, 1991
858 - Correspondence file for Mr D.A. Raeburn, 1991
859 - Correspondence file for Mrs N. Rafiq, 1991
860 - Correspondence file for Mr I. Ramdath, 1991
861 - Correspondence file for Mr D. Randall, 1991
862 - Correspondence file for Mr J. Randall, 1991
863 - Correspondence file for Mrs S. Rayment, 1991
864 - Correspondence file for Miss K. Rayner, 1991
865 - Correspondence file for Mr Real, 1991
866 - Correspondence file for Mr J. Reed, 1991
867 - Correspondence file for Mrs M. Reed, 1991
868 - Correspondence file for Mr M. Reeves, 1991
869 - Correspondence file for Mr D.R. Reidy, 1991
870 - Correspondence file for Miss D. Reilly, 1991
871 - Correspondence file for Mr R.T. Renton, 1991
872 - Correspondence file for Major-General M.F. Reynolds, 1991
873 - Correspondence file for Mr D.J. Rhodes, 1991
874 - Correspondence file for Mr R. Rhodes James, 1991
875 - Correspondence file for Mr Rice, 1991
876 - Correspondence file for Rev B. Rice, 1991
877 - Correspondence file for Rev C. Richardson, 1991
878 - Correspondence file for Mrs S. Richardson, 1991
879 - Correspondence file for Miss D.A. Rickard, 1991
880 - Correspondence file for Mrs A. Rickwood, 1991
881 - Correspondence file for Mrs P. Ridout, 1991
882 - Correspondence file for Mr D. Ritchie, 1991
883 - Correspondence file for Mr E. Roberts, 1991
884 - Correspondence file for Mrs F. Roberts, 1991
885 - Correspondence file for Miss L. Roberts, 1991
886 - Correspondence file for Mr R.J. Roberts, 1991
887 - Correspondence file for Mrs M. Robins, 1991
888 - Correspondence file for Mrs C.A. Robson, 1991
889 - Correspondence file for Mrs A. Rochford, 1991
890 - Correspondence file for Miss I. Rodda, 1991
891 - Correspondence file for Mr E.R. Rodgers, 1991
892 - Correspondence file for Mr P. Rogers-Gentile, 1991
893 - Correspondence file for Mr T. Rolph, 1991
894 - Correspondence file for Mr J. Rose, 1991
895 - Correspondence file for Mr P. Rose, 1991
896 - Correspondence file for Mr P. Rose, 1991
897 - Correspondence file for Mrs R. Hood, 1991
898 - Correspondence file for Mrs E.M. Rudgard, 1991
899 - Correspondence file for Mrs D. Rudolf, 1991
900 - Correspondence file for Mr D. Rundle, 1991
901 - Correspondence file for Mr F.W. Russell, 1991
902 - Correspondence file for Mr S. Russell, 1991
903 - Correspondence file for Mr C. Ryan, 1991
904 - Correspondence file for Mrs M. Ryan, 1991
905 - Correspondence file for Mr P. Ryan, 1991
906 - Correspondence file for Mrs C. Ryder, 1991
907 - Correspondence file for Miss J. Sadler, 1991
908 - Correspondence file for Dr S.M. Saeed, 1991
909 - Correspondence file for Miss M. Salmon, 1991
910 - Correspondence file for Mr P. Salmon, 1991
911 - Correspondence file for Mr R. Sandell and Miss J. Porter, 1991
912 - Correspondence file for Mrs J.M. Sanders, 1991
913 - Correspondence file for Mr C.P. Sandiford, 1991
914 - Correspondence file for Mr C. Satterthwaite, 1991
915 - Correspondence file for Mr P.A. Saunders, 1991
916 - Correspondence file for Mr A.D. Savage, 1991
917 - Correspondence file for Mr T. Savage, 1991
918 - Correspondence file for Mr T.E. Savage, 1991
919 - Correspondence file for Mr R. Sawyer, 1991
920 - Correspondence file for Mr P.C. Scarlett, 1991
921 - Correspondence file for Mrs L. Schoeffer, 1991
922 - Correspondence file for Miss M. Score, 1991
923 - Correspondence file for Miss K. Scott, 1991
924 - Correspondence file for Mrs M. Scott, 1991
925 - Correspondence file for Mr T. Scriven, 1991
926 - Correspondence file for Rev M. Seed, 1991
927 - Correspondence file for Mr L. Seeney, 1991
928 - Correspondence file for Mr R. Seitz, 1991
929 - Correspondence file for Miss M.A. Selby, 1991
930 - Correspondence file for Dr M.J. Selman, 1991
931 - Correspondence file for Miss P. Selman, 1991
932 - Correspondence file for Miss M. Selwyn, 1991
933 - Correspondence file for Mr E. Sen, 1991
934 - Correspondence file for Mr N. Seneviratne, 1991
935 - Correspondence file for Mrs N. Sequeira, 1991
936 - Correspondence file for Dr P. Seymour-Cole, 1991
937 - Correspondence file for Mr D. Shah, 1991
938 - Correspondence file for Mr S. Shah, 1991
939 - Correspondence file for Mr G.A. Sharif, 1991
940 - Correspondence file for Mr M. Sharif, 1991
941 - Correspondence file for Dr J.C. Sharma, 1991
942 - Correspondence file for Mr D. Sharp, 1991
943 - Correspondence file for Lord Shawcross, 1991
944 - Correspondence file for Mrs H. Shearman, 1991
945 - Correspondence file for Mr T. Shebbeare, 1991
946 - Correspondence file for Mr M. Sheehan, 1991
947 - Correspondence file for Mr D. Shelmardine, 1991
948 - Correspondence file for Miss J. Shelmardine, 1991
949 - Correspondence file for Mr R. Shipley, 1991
950 - Correspondence file for Mrs P. Sime, 1991
951 - Correspondence file for Miss K.L. Simms, 1991
952 - Correspondence file for Mr G.E. Simpson, 1991
953 - Correspondence file for Mrs Mary Simpson, 1991
954 - Correspondence file for Mrs R. Simpson, 1991
955 - Correspondence file for Mrs J. Sines, 1991
956 - Correspondence file for Prof H. Singh, 1991
957 - Correspondence file for Mr I. Singh, 1991
958 - Correspondence file for Mrs Y. Singh, 1991
959 - Correspondence file for Mr W.G. Sirett, 1991
960 - Correspondence file for Mr M. Skilbeck, 1991
961 - Correspondence file for Mr M. Skinner, 1991
962 - Correspondence file for Mr P. Slevin, 1991
963 - Correspondence file for Ms A. Slipper, 1991
964 - Correspondence file for Mr P. Smale, 1991
965 - Correspondence file for Mrs M. Smart, 1991
966 - Correspondence file for Mr W.J.J. Smilllie, 1991
967 - Correspondence file for Mr A. Smith, 1991
968 - Correspondence file for Mr A.M. Smith, 1991
969 - Correspondence file for Mr C. Smith, 1991
970 - Correspondence file for Mr D.P. Smith, 1991
971 - Correspondence file for Mrs D.M. Smith, 1991
972 - Correspondence file for Mr L. Smith, 1991
973 - Correspondence file for Maj M.A.A. Smith, 1991
974 - Correspondence file for Miss S. Smith, 1991
975 - Correspondence file for Mrs W.M. Smith, 1991
976 - Correspondence file for Mr M. Smithson, 1991
977 - Correspondence file for Dr A. Smyth, 1991
978 - Correspondence file for Mrs V. Smyth, 1991
979 - Correspondence file for Mrs F. Spackman, 1991
980 - Correspondence file for Mr P. Spalding, 1991
981 - Correspondence file for Mrs V. Spalding, 1991
982 - Correspondence file for Mr M. Spiers, 1991
983 - Correspondence file for Miss C. Spicer, 1991
984 - Correspondence file for Sir J. Spicer, 1991
985 - Correspondence file for Mr P. Spoone, 1991
986 - Correspondence file for Mrs R.A. Spratt, 1991
987 - Correspondence file for Mr G. Square, 1991
988 - Correspondence file for Mr D. Stagg, 1991
989 - Correspondence file for Mrs N. Stancioff, 1991
990 - Correspondence file for Mr S. Stanislaus, 1991
991 - Correspondence file for Mr M. Starbrook, 1991
992 - Correspondence file for Mrs G. Starkowsky, 1991
993 - Correspondence file for Miss D.R.M. Stead, 1991
994 - Correspondence file for Mrs N. Steel, 1991
995 - Correspondence file for Mr P. Steel, 1991
996 - Correspondence file for Sir S. Sternberg, 1991
997 - Correspondence file for Mr B. Stevens, 1991
998 - Correspondence file for Miss H. Stevens, 1991
999 - Correspondence file for Mr N. Stevens, 1991
1000 - Correspondence file for Mr R.A. Stevens, 1991
1001 - Correspondence file for Mr W.A. Stewart, 1991
1002 - Correspondence file for Mrs Y.M. Stewart, 1991
1003 - Correspondence file for Miss K. Stillwell, 1991
1004 - Correspondence file for Mrs S. Stoten, 1991
1005 - Correspondence file for Mrs F. Stradling-Thomas, 1991
1006 - Correspondence file for Mr S. Strathearn, 1991
1007 - Correspondence file for Miss M. Street, 1991
1008 - Correspondence file for Ms P. Styles, 1991
1009 - Correspondence file for Mrs S. Sultana, 1991
1010 - Correspondence file for Mr T. Suter, 1991
1011 - Correspondence file for Mr D.C.Q. Sutton, 1991
1012 - Correspondence file for Mr M. Swift, 1991
1013 - Correspondence file for Mr P. Syed, 1991
1014 - Correspondence file for Mr G. Sylvester, 1991
1015 - Correspondence file for Mr K. Taimuri, 1991
1016 - Correspondence file for Mr K. Taimuri, 1991
1017 - Correspondence file for Mrs K. Y. Takla, 1991
1018 - Correspondence file for Mr P. Tarrant, 1991
1019 - Correspondence file for Mr A. Taylor, 1991
1020 - Correspondence file for Dr M. Taylor, 1991
1021 - Correspondence file for Mr K. Taylor, 1991
1022 - Correspondence file for Ms M. Taylor, 1991
1023 - Correspondence file for Mr P. Taylor, 1991
1024 - Correspondence file for Mr R. Terry, 1991
1025 - Correspondence file for Mr and Mrs C. Thacker, 1991
1026 - Correspondence file for Mr S. Prasasvinitchai, Ambassador of Thailand, 1991
1027 - Correspondence file for Ms C.R. Thomas, 1991
1028 - Correspondence file for Mr D.V. Thomas, 1991
1029 - Correspondence file for Mr D.V. Thomas, 1991
1030 - Correspondence file for Mrs S. Thompson, 1991
1031 - Correspondence file for Mr T. Thompson, 1991
1032 - Correspondence file for Ms K. Thomsett, 1991
1033 - Correspondence file for Mrs D. Thomson, 1991
1034 - Correspondence file for Mr N. Thorne, 1991
1035 - Correspondence file for Mr N. Thornely, 1991
1036 - Correspondence file for Ms K. Thrower, 1991
1037 - Correspondence file for Mrs J.I. Tidey, 1991
1038 - Correspondence file for Mr M. Tilbury, 1991
1039 - Correspondence file for Mr D.W.B. Tilleard, 1991
1040 - Correspondence file for Mr V.C.F. Tompkins, 1991
1041 - Correspondence file for Miss P. Toner, 1991
1042 - Correspondence file for Mr T. Topgyal, 1991
1043 - Correspondence file for Mrs B. Torpy, 1991
1044 - Correspondence file for Mr R. Tracey, 1991
1045 - Correspondence file for Ms T. Treadwell, 1991
1046 - Correspondence file for Mrs J. Trompetas, 1991
1047 - Correspondence file for Mrs E.A.M. Tuck, 1991
1048 - Correspondence file for Mrs A. Tuddenham, 1991
1049 - Correspondence file for Rev R. Tudor, 1991
1050 - Correspondence file for Mr D. Tunnicliffe, 1991
1051 - Correspondence file for Mr M. Turner, 1991
1052 - Correspondence file for Mrs P. Turner, 1991
1053 - Correspondence file for Mr R.H. Turner, 1991
1054 - Correspondence file for Mr D. Tyrer, 1991
1055 - Correspondence file for Mrs M. Tyrrell, 1991
1056 - Correspondence file for Mr and Mrs D. Underwood, 1991
1057 - Correspondence file for Mr D.J. Vango, 1991
1058 - Correspondence file for Mr M. Vans Agnew, 1991
1059 - Correspondence file for Mr R. Vaudry, 1991
1060 - Correspondence file for Mr G. Vaughan, 1991
1061 - Correspondence file for Mrs M. Vaz, 1991
1062 - Correspondence file for Miss B. Veitch, 1991
1063 - Correspondence file for Mr E. Vicary, 1991
1064 - Correspondence file for Ms A. Vigurs, 1991
1065 - Correspondence file for Mr R. Vijay, 1991
1066 - Correspondence file for Mrs H.M. Vincent, 1991
1067 - Correspondence file for Mr D. Wada, 1991
1068 - Correspondence file for Mrs B. Waddams, 1991
1069 - Correspondence file for Lord and Lady Waddington, 1991
1070 - Correspondence file for Dr A.A. Wahab, 1991
1071 - Correspondence file for Mrs J. Wakefield, 1991
1072 - Correspondence file for Mr B. Walker, 1991
1073 - Correspondence file for Ms B. Walker, 1991
1074 - Correspondence file for Mr J. Walker, 1991
1075 - Correspondence file for Mrs M. Walker, 1991
1076 - Correspondence file for Mrs P. Wall, 1991
1077 - Correspondence file for Captain D.A. Wallis, 1991
1078 - Correspondence file for Mr T. Walsh, 1991
1079 - Correspondence file for Lt-Col. J.H. Walters, 1991
1080 - Correspondence file for Mr A. Ward, 1991
1081 - Correspondence file for Mr G.A. Waterfield, 1991
1082 - Correspondence file for Mr F.G. Watson, 1991
1083 - Correspondence file for Mr J. Watson, 1991
1084 - Correspondence file for Mr M. Watson, 1991
1085 - Correspondence file for Miss S. Watson, 1991
1086 - Correspondence file for Mr G. Watts-Read, 1991
1087 - Correspondence file for Mr B.R. Weatherill, 1991
1088 - Correspondence file for Mrs A. Weller, 1991
1089 - Correspondence file for Mrs V. Welsh, 1991
1090 - Correspondence file for Miss M.L. West, 1991
1091 - Correspondence file for Lord Westbury, 1991
1092 - Correspondence file for Mr F. Westover, 1991
1093 - Correspondence file for Ms L. Wettern, 1991
1094 - Correspondence file for Mr E.G. Whiston, 1991
1095 - Correspondence file for Mr J. Whitbourn, 1991
1096 - Correspondence file for Mr and Mrs A. White, 1991
1097 - Correspondence file for Mrs Grace M. White, 1991
1098 - Correspondence file for Mrs J. White, 1991
1099 - Correspondence file for Mrs M.A. White, 1991
1100 - Correspondence file for Dr M. Whitelaw, 1991
1101 - Correspondence file for Mr G. Whiteside, 1991
1102 - Correspondence file for Mrs F. Whitfield, 1991
1103 - Correspondence file for Miss L. Whiting, 1991
1104 - Correspondence file for Mr W.K. Whittick, 1991
1105 - Correspondence file for Mr S. Whyte, 1991
1106 - Correspondence file for Mr D.E. Wickham, 1991
1107 - Correspondence file for Mr J. Wiecek, 1991
1108 - Correspondence file for Mrs I.C. Wijaratne, 1991
1109 - Correspondence file for Mr L.D. Wilder, 1991
1110 - Correspondence file for Mrs P. Wilkinson, 1991
1111 - Correspondence file for Mrs A. Williams, 1991
1112 - Correspondence file for Mrs E. Williams, 1991
1113 - Correspondence file for Mr J.A. Williams, 1991
1114 - Correspondence file for Mrs E. Williams, 1991
1115 - Correspondence file for Dr E.S. Williams, 1991
1116 - Correspondence file for Mr G.J.J. Williams, 1991
1117 - Correspondence file for Mrs P. Williams, 1991
1118 - Correspondence file for Mr and Mrs R. Williams, 1991
1119 - Correspondence file for Miss V.S. Williams, 1991
1120 - Correspondence file for Mrs M. Williamson, 1991
1121 - Correspondence file for Mr R. Willis, 1991
1122 - Correspondence file for Rev Dr T.M. Willshaw, 1991
1123 - Correspondence file for Mr D. Wimalastema, 1991
1124 - Correspondence file for Mrs M. Windy, 1991
1125 - Correspondence file for Miss P. Winters, 1991
1126 - Correspondence file for Mr G. Wise, 1991
1127 - Correspondence file for Mr A. Woelz, 1991
1128 - Correspondence file for Mr N.D. Wolf, 1991
1129 - Correspondence file for Mr K.G. Wonham, 1991
1130 - Correspondence file for Mr C. Wood, 1991
1131 - Correspondence file for Mr D.O. Wood, 1991
1132 - Correspondence file for Mr and Mrs M. Wood, 1991
1133 - Correspondence file for Mr and Mrs R. Wood, 1991
1134 - Correspondence file for Rev Dr W. Wood, 1991
1135 - Correspondence file for Brigadier J. Woodroffe, 1991
1136 - Correspondence file for Miss A.E. Wooster, 1991
1137 - Correspondence file for Mrs E. Wraight, 1991
1138 - Correspondence file for Mr A. Wright, 1991
1139 - Correspondence file for Mrs C. Wright, 1991
1140 - Correspondence file for Mr and Mrs K. Wright, 1991
1141 - Correspondence file for Mr D. Yarlett, 1991
1142 - Correspondence file for Mr E.J. Yates, 1991
1143 - Correspondence file for Mr J. Yaxley, 1991
1144 - Correspondence file for Mr G. Young, 1991
1145 - Correspondence file for Mr and Mrs R. Young, 1991
1146 - Correspondence file for Mrs E. Young, 1991
1147 - Correspondence file for Mr M. Yousef, 1991
1148 - Correspondence file for Mrs S. Yoxall, 1991
1149 - Correspondence file for Miss M. Yringham, 1991
1150 - Correspondence file for Mr B. Zanelli, 1991
1151 - Correspondence file for Col M.A. Zia, 1991
1152 - Correspondence file for Mr L. Zetter, 1991
Expand E - Election PapersE - Election Papers
Expand M - Miscellaneous Constituency FilesM - Miscellaneous Constituency Files
Expand PP - Political papers: Parliamentary papersPP - Political papers: Parliamentary papers

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